Faculty DirectoryDavid Chopp

Professor of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
2145 Sheridan RoadTech
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
Email David Chopp
Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
Ph.D. Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley, CA
B.S. Mathematics and Applied Mathematics in Numerical Analysis, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Research Interests
Numerical methods; scientific computing; motion of interfaces. Applications include bacterial biofilms; neurophysiology; crack propagation; and solidification, among others.
Significant Recognition
- Charles Deering McCormick Professor of Teaching Excellence
Selected Publications
- Zhang, Jin; Chadwick, Alexander F.; Chopp, David L.; Voorhees, Peter W., Phase field modeling with large driving forces, npj Computational Materials (2023).
- Ford, Noah; Fisher, Garth; Prindle, Arthur; Chopp, David, Erratum, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (2022).
- Ford, Noah; Fisher, Garth; Prindle, Arthur; Chopp, David, A Two-Dimensional Model of Potassium Signaling and Oscillatory Growth in a Biofilm, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 83(5) (2021).
- Ford, Noah; Chopp, David, A Dimensionally Reduced Model of Biofilm Growth Within a Flow Cell, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 82(3) (2020).
- Caruso, Alice; Boano, Fulvio; Ridolfi, Luca; Chopp, David L.; Packman, Aaron, Biofilm-induced bioclogging produces sharp interfaces in hyporheic flow, redox conditions, and microbial community structure, Geophysical Research Letters 44(10):4917-4925 (2017).
- Sadeghirad, Alireza; Chopp, David L.; Ren, Xiang; Fang, Eugene; Lua, Jim, A novel hybrid approach for level set characterization and tracking of non-planar 3D cracks in the extended finite element method, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 160:1-14 (2016).
- Li, Xiaobao; Chopp, David L.; Russin, William A.; Brannon, Paul T.; Parsek, Matthew R.; Packman, Aaron I., In situ biomineralization and particle deposition distinctively mediate biofilm susceptibility to chlorine, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82(10):2886-2892 (2016).
- Kublik, Richard A.; Chopp, David L., A locally adaptive time stepping algorithm for the solution to reaction diffusion equations on branched structures, Advances in Computational Mathematics 42(3):621-649 (2016).