Faculty DirectoryKevin Lynch

Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Director, Center for Robotics and Biosystems
2145 Sheridan RoadTech A290
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
847-467-5451Email Kevin Lynch
Center for Robotics and Biosystems
Master of Science in Robotics Program
Ph.D. Robotics, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
B.S.E. Electrical Engineering (with honors), Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Research Interests
Kevin Lynch's research interests are in robotic manipulation, robot locomotion, physical human-robot interaction, and distributed control of robot swarms.
Significant Recognition
- 2022 George Saridis Leadership Award in Robotics and Automation
- Harashima Award for Innovative Technologies, 2017
- IEEE Fellow, 2010
- Charles Deering McCormick Professor of Teaching Excellence, 2007-10
- Society of Automotive Engineers Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award, 2007
- Early Career Award in Robotics and Automation, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2001
- McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science Teacher Of The Year Award, 1998-1999
- NSF Career Award, 1998
Significant Professional Service
- Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Robotics
Selected Publications
- Kucuktabak, Emek Baris; Pons, Jose L.; Lynch, Kevin M.; Zarrin, Rana Soltani, A Safety-Aware Framework for Physical Human-Robot-Human Interaction With Hierarchical Constraints, IEEE Access (2024).
- Lin Liu, C.; Ridgley, Israel L.Donato; Elwin, Matthew Lawrence; Rubenstein, Michael; Freeman, Randy A.; Lynch, Kevin M., Self-Healing Distributed Swarm Formation Control Using Image Moments, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (2024).
- Kucuktabak, Emek Bars; Wen, Yue; Kim, Sangjoon J.; Short, Matthew R.; Ludvig, Daniel; Hargrove, Levi; Perreault, Eric J.; Lynch, Kevin M.; Pons, Jose L., Haptic Transparency and Interaction Force Control for a Lower Limb Exoskeleton, IEEE Transactions on Robotics (2024).
- Elwin, Matthew L.; Strong, Billie; Freeman, Randy A.; Lynch, Kevin M., Human-Multirobot Collaborative Mobile Manipulation, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (2023).
- Kim, Sangjoon J.; Wen, Yue; Ludvig, Daniel; Kucuktabak, Emek Baris; Short, Matthew R.; Lynch, Kevin; Hargrove, Levi; Perreault, Eric J.; Pons, Jose L., Effect of Dyadic Haptic Collaboration on Ankle Motor Learning and Task Performance, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (2023).
- Rosa, Nelson; Lynch, Kevin M., A Topological Approach to Gait Generation for Biped Robots, IEEE Transactions on Robotics (2022).
- Küçüktabak, Emek Barış; Kim, Sangjoon J.; Wen, Yue; Lynch, Kevin; Pons, Jose L., Human-machine-human interaction in motor control and rehabilitation, Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation (2021).
- Fernandez, Alfonso J.; Weng, Huan; Umbanhowar, Paul B.; Lynch, Kevin M., Visiflex, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6(2):3009-3016 (2021).
- Ridgley, Israel L.Donato; Freeman, Randy A.; Freeman, Randy A.; Lynch, Kevin M.; Lynch, Kevin M., Private and Hot-Pluggable Distributed Averaging, IEEE Control Systems Letters 4(4):988-993 (2020).
- Shi, Jian; Weng, Huan; Lynch, Kevin M., In-Hand Sliding Regrasp with Spring-Sliding Compliance and External Constraints, IEEE Access 8:88729-88744 (2020).
- Lynch, Daniel J.; Lynch, Kevin M.; Umbanhowar, Paul B., The Soft-Landing Problem, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5(2):3658-3665 (2020).
- Elwin, Matthew L.; Freeman, Randy A.; Lynch, Kevin M., Distributed Environmental Monitoring with Finite Element Robots, IEEE Transactions on Robotics 36(2):380-398 (2019).
- Burbano Lombana, Daniel Alberto; Freeman, Randy A.; Lynch, Kevin M., Discovering the topology of complex networks via adaptive estimators, Chaos 29(8) (2019).
- Kia, Solmaz S.; Van Scoy, Bryan; Cortes, Jorge; Freeman, Randy A.; Lynch, Kevin M.; Martinez, Sonia, Tutorial on Dynamic Average Consensus, IEEE Control Systems 39(3):40-72 (2019).
- Von Scoy, Bryan; Freeman, Randy A.; Lynch, Kevin M., The fastest known globally convergent first-order method for minimizing strongly convex functions, IEEE Control Systems Letters 2(1):49-54 (2018).
- Burbano-L, Daniel A.; Freeman, Randy; Lynch, Kevin, Inferring the network topology of interconnected nonlinear units with diffusive couplings, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.:3398-3403 (2018).
- Elwin, Matthew; Freeman, Randy A; Lynch, Kevin M, Distributed Voronoi Neighbor Identification From Inter-Robot Distances, IEEE:1320-1327 (2017).
- Woodruff, J. Zachary; Lynch, Kevin M., Planning and control for dynamic, nonprehensile, and hybrid manipulation tasks, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.:4066-4073 (2017).
- Schearer, Eric M.; Liao, Yu Wei; Perreault, Eric J.; Tresch, Matthew C.; Memberg, William D.; Kirsch, Robert F.; Lynch, Kevin M., Semiparametric Identification of Human Arm Dynamics for Flexible Control of a Functional Electrical Stimulation Neuroprosthesis, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 24(12):1405-1415 (2016).
- Shi, Jian; Woodruff, J. Zachary; Lynch, Kevin M, Dynamic in-hand sliding manipulation, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.:870-877 (2015).
In the Classroom
Professor Lynch has developed the course ME 333 Introduction to Mechatronics to teach students the interdisciplinary fundamentals of interfacing sensors and actuators with a computer. The course attracts students from mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science, biomedical engineering, and other fields. Professor Lynch has also constructed the undergraduate Mechatronics Design Laboratory to support student projects in the design and construction of microprocessor-controlled electromechanical systems. This laboratory supports ME 333 as well as other courses, including ME 224 Experimental Engineering, projects in Engineering Design and Communication, the annual Robot Design Competition (DC), and independent projects.
Professor Lynch has also developed the new graduate courses ME 449 Robotic Manipulation and ME 450 Geometry in Robotics.
Kevin Lynch in the News
- Team that created Fossil Canyon, an educational game for families
- New Algorithms Discover Networks Within Systems
- Harashima Award for Pioneering, Contributions to Robotic Manipulation