Title: Swimming in Nematic Liquid Crystals
Speaker: Kate Stebe, University of Pennsylvania
Abstract: Purcell's scallop theorem, which requires non-reciprocal motions for translation in isotropic fluids, needs adjustment for swimmers in nematic liquid crystals (NLC). Unlike isotropic fluids, where complex, non-reciprocal motions are essential, symmetric motions can induce translation in NLC due to its anisotropic nature. In NLC, symmetric flows create broken symmetries and elastic stresses that drive motion, expanding the range of effective swim strokes. This study outlines the conditions for swimming at low Reynolds numbers in NLC and explores how colloidal swimmers can access far-from-equilibrium defect dynamics that enhance swimming efficiency. The research, in collaboration with Miha Ravnik's group, reveals new possibilities for effective swimming in NLC environments.
Special Note: Stephen H. Davis Lecture
Zoom: https://northwestern.zoom.us/j/97615086394
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TIME Monday October 21, 2024 at 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
LOCATION LR4 (M113), Technological Institute map it
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CONTACT Ted Shaeffer ted.shaeffer@northwestern.edu
CALENDAR McCormick-Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics (ESAM)