Collaborative robots promise to complementhuman work where automation is infeasible,costly, or ineffective. However, for thesesystems to truly complement human workand to deliver value in domains frommanufacturing to healthcare, their usersmust be able to specify collaborative taskactions for the robot and its humancounterparts. In this talk, I will presentongoing work at the People and RobotsLaboratory that explores novel mechanismsfor end-user specification of collaborativework for humans and robots. Specifically, Iwill present interfaces and systems thatintegrate end-user programming, sharedcontrol, and optimization to allow users toprogram, control, and correct collaborativerobots in real-world tasks.
Bilge Mutlu is the Sheldon B. & Marianne S. Lubar Professor of Computer Science at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison, where he directs the People and Robots Laboratory. His research focuses on
human-centered principles for designing robotic technologies and integrating them into everyday
environments. He teaches courses in human-computer interaction and user experience design and
leads the NSF Graduate Research Traineeship (NRT) program, INTEGRATE: Integrating Robots into
the Future of Work. Dr. Mutlu earned his PhD from Carnegie Mellon University's Human-Computer
Interaction Institute. His work has received over two dozen paper awards and nominations and has
been featured in Popular Science, The Economist, and New Scientist. More information is available
at http://bilgemutlu.com.
TIME Monday November 4, 2024 at 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
LOCATION L211, Technological Institute map it
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CONTACT Jeremy Wells jeremywells@northwestern.edu
CALENDAR McCormick - Mechanical Engineering (ME)