The Built Environment Exchange (BuiltX) is hosted by Northwestern's Master of Science in Executive Management for Design and Construction (EMDC) program. BuiltX is designed for attendees to network, openly discuss best practices, and gain objective insights on industry trends. The event aims to foster a network of knowledge across disciplines?and forge meaningful professional connections among those in the built environment.
In partnership with the Illinois Green Alliance (IGA), the January 29 event will feature the panel discussion, "Collaborative Strategies for Net-Zero: Uniting Industry Commitments in the Built Environment."
TIME Wednesday January 29, 2025 at 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
LOCATION SLOAN Showroom, Suite 1000 map it
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CONTACT Michelle Mittelman michelle.mittelman@northwestern.edu
CALENDAR Master of Executive Management for Design and Construction (EMDC)