People / Students / Class of 2024
Yuqi Wang graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles with a dual degree in Statistics and Mathematics/Economics, specializing in computing. During her undergraduate studies at UCLA, she received well-rounded trainings that provided her with a solid mathematical foundation as well as expertise in probability theories and applied algorithms. Achieving top-ranked performance in both majors, Yuqi aspired to obtain in-depth practices through research and internships. She has participated in several data science research projects in diverse fields, including healthcare, material science, and behavioral economics. For instance, she has worked on a music text classification project that constructed a deep learning model and developed a web application using the Flask package. This application allows users to input a song's Spotify ID and retrieve its corresponding genre. Utilizing the Keras Functional API from the TensorFlow library, she constructed a TensorFlow music dataset with around 30,000 observations, conducted expansive data visualizations, performed training, testing, and validation splits, and concatenated output derived from lyrics and feature scalars pipeline. These experiences made Yuqi realize the potential of powerful statistical tools and programming languages in uncovering hidden patterns and correlations within complex information. Therefore, Yuqi's exposure to data science fueled her intense interest in exploring the theories and applications of data analytics. She is excited to join Northwestern’s MS in Machine Learning and Data Science program, where she looks forward to exploring state-of-the-art technologies in collaboration with industry partners and like-minded peers who share her passion for data analytics. Beyond academics, Yuqi enjoys making coffee, reading detective novels, and watching suspense movies.