Diversification in the Materials World
While not all promising new materials deliver on their potential, spreading bets among them brings out creativity in Northwestern researchers and students.

Thinking Differently
Northwestern’s center for synthetic biology turns in a blockbuster performance its first year out.

Living Well by Design
Newly launched Designing Your Life course teaches students how to apply design thinking to life.

A Community Focuses on Success
Northwestern’s Women in Computing chapter offers academic, networking, and career support for young women interested in tech.

Immersed in Innovation, Engineering Meets Journalism
New Bay Area Immersion Experience sends journalists and engineers to America’s startup capital for a true whole-brain experience.

Sailing Is the Easy Part
After a long career as a product planner and executive in the automotive industry, Erick Reickert (’58) applied his engineering skills and thinking to circumnavigate the globe.

The Art & Science
Airbnb’s VP of Product Joe Zadeh (’03) has used design thinking to help take the startup from obscurity to global brand recognition.

The Eyes Have It
Professor Malcolm MacIver and collaborators studied the fossil
record and discovered that fish eyes nearly tripled in size before
the creatures made the water-to-land transition.

Taking the Internet Sky High
Kristin Richardson (’09) helps pilot Gogo’s effort for speeding up inflight Wi-Fi performance.

The Dealmaker
Nathan Learner (’80) brings engineering thinking to the private-equity world.

Startup Takes to the Air
Senior computer science major Marc Gyongyosi credits his Northwestern experience for helping his robotics startup, Intelligent Flying Machines, get off the ground and up to speed.

The Smile Maker
Brooke Aldendifer MacLean (’93) delivers happiness to Chicago area healthcare facilities with Random Acts of Flowers.