Matthew Grayson Named Director of Global McCormick
Founding director Vinayak Dravid to stay on as co-director
Matthew Grayson has been named director of Global McCormick, the school’s initiative to encourage students and faculty to explore global relationships, research, and projects.
Grayson, who has until now served as co-director, has previously made strides in helping undergraduate students better understand how to take advantage of global opportunities during their education.
“Global McCormick has worked together with the undergraduate office of Northwestern Engineering to make it much easier for undergrads to find and prepare for engineering programs abroad, especially for seniors in the fall quarter,” said Grayson, associate professor of electrical engineering and computer science. “As director, I hope to increase global opportunities for undergraduates and help foster new international research collaborations for faculty.”
Grayson will take the reins from Vinayak Dravid, the initiative’s founding director, who has grown the school’s global opportunities over the past seven years. During his tenure, Dravid established faculty ambassadors for different regions of the world, improved tracking and analysis of global activities, and broadened educational initiatives to encourage students to take advantage of study abroad opportunities.
Dravid, Abraham Harris Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, has also enlisted additional faculty to support efforts and ensure continued success.
“Within seven years, we have moved from having no coordinated effort to becoming a model for other parts of the University,” said Julio M. Ottino, dean of the school. “This is due in large part to Vinayak’s passion and leadership. I am grateful for everything he has done. With Matthew Grayson at the helm, I look forward to continued growth and success.”