PRDV 200: PATH (0 Unit)



The PATH program is a cornerstone of the Northwestern Personal Development StudioLab. For more than two decades we've worked closely with students seeking opportunities to optimize their performance on many different levels. The insights gained from this work led to the creation of the PATH program. The skills you learn through this program will change how you think, how you feel, and what you do to achieve success in all aspects of your life.

Register for PATH

Registration Requirements

PATH is open to all Northwestern students; no prerequisites. Class sizes are intentionally small and enrollment is limited. If you are considering taking PATH, please click the "Register for PATH" button above, complete the Google form, and Liz Daly will reach out to you with more information.

Quotes from previous PATH students

"I'm loving PATH because I just had an awakening: I realized that I am not really sure how I define success. Though I'm doing really well in all my classes, I certainly don't want it to peak in college. In high school and college life is so defined, there is very little uncertainty. PATH is helping me build the habits to succeed under any conditions."

"I would tell my friends to take PATH. There's a lot to gain with almost nothing to lose. It's only 1 of the 168 hours in a week. If I did the math correctly, that's only 0.5% of your week, which any of us could spare. I love discussing the PATH content with peers, I'm learning to become more focused and less stressed"

"The things I've learned in Path have helped me think about my life, especially my academics, in a more balanced and healthy way. I'm more organized and deal with setbacks more effectively."


Can I take PATH with a full course load?

Yes! PATH consists of weekly 60-minute in person classes and 30-minute asynchronous work outside of class. In other words, the time commitment is not strenuous, and the content covered in the course often helps you to be more efficient by providing strategies for better balancing your competing priorities based on your personal values.

What does PATH cover?

PATH meets for 8 consecutive weeks beginning the second week of the quarter and covers the following topics (and more!):

Values & Goals
  • Prior to meeting with your PATH peers you will complete an online module helping you to explore your personal values and apply them to your goals for the quarter.
  • You will then meet with your group during the second week of the quarter to get to know your class and discuss your values and goals as well as strategies for how to apply those to your academics.
Attention Training
  • In today's world, we have demands for our attention coming from almost every direction. Emails, texts, social media, advertisements, etc are all vying for attention. In such an environment, attention becomes our most valuable commodity. During PATH we will explore how to train your attention.
How We Think (Mindset)
  • A huge body of research is dedicated to the way we think, or the psychology behind our actions. An element of psychology which is relevant to academic success is that of mindset. Here we will explore some of theories on mindset, and how those apply to your personal goals.
How Our Brains Work
  • How do I learn best? This section covers the science of learning and the best ways to leverage how your brain works in the service of your success.
  • You are probably aware of what it means to be compassionate towards someone else. But have you ever considered whether you are compassionate towards yourself? How do you speak to yourself in moments when you're not performing your best? This section offers several ways to explore how you can be your most productive through self-compassion, embracing mistakes, and clarifying ambitions and aspirations.

How can I become a PATH Peer Mentor?

First, you will need to complete a full PATH course. After completion, you will apply and have an interview with Liz Daly. If you are hired for this leadership position, you will shadow an existing PATH Peer Mentor and attend trainings with Liz. You will begin teaching a PATH class the following quarter! PATH Peer Mentors receive a stipend for their work.

If you have any questions about the class, you may contact Liz Daly.