Faculty DirectoryDavid Boyce

Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
7126 E Osborn RoadUnit 3006
Scottsdale, Arizona 85251
847-656-6667Email David Boyce
Civil and Environmental Engineering
BS, Northwestern University, Civil Engineering, 1961
MCP, University of Pennsylvania, City and Regional Planning, 1963
PhD, University of Pennsylvania, Regional Science, 1965
Research Interests
- Metropolitan transportation and land use planning
- Urban travel and location forecasting models
- Transportation network analysis and modeling
- discrete choice theory and entropy-based methods
- Large-scale integrated models of travel behavior
- The transportation network user-equilibrium route choice problem
- Traffic Assignment by Paired Alternative Segments (TAPAS)
Significant Recognition
- Fellows Award, ASCE, 2009
- Fellows Award, INFORMS, 2003
- Robert Herman Lifetime Achievement Award, Transportation Science and Logistics Society of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), 2003
- Fellows Award (Inaugural) RSAI, 2002
- Founder’s Medal, Regional Science Association International (RSAI), 2000
Significant Professional Service
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Fellow
Selected Publications
Boyce, D., and H. Williams Forecasting Urban Travel, Edward Elgar, 2015.
Downloadable File
Boyce, D. (2006) Urban Travel Forecasting Course Notes revised.
Boyce D. (2002) Is the sequential travel forecasting procedure counterproductive? ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development 128, 169-183.
Boyce D. (2002) A memoir of the ADVANCE Project, ITS Journal 7, 105-130.
Boyce D., H. Bar-Gera (2003) Validation of multiclass urban travel forecasting models combining origin-destination, mode, and route choices, Journal of Regional Science 43, 517-540.
Boyce D. (2004) A short history of the field of Regional Science, Papers in Regional Science 83, 31-57.
Boyce D., B. Ralevic-Dekic, H. Bar-Gera (2004) Convergence of traffic assignments: How much is enough? ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering 130, 49-55.
Boyce D., H. Bar- Gera (2004) Multiclass combined models for urban travel forecasting, Network and Spatial Economics 4, 115-124.
Boyce D., H. Mahmassani, A. Nagurney (2005) A retrospective on Beckmann, McGuire and Winsten’s Studies in the Economics of Transportation, Papers in Regional Science 84, 85-103.
Bar-Gera H., D. Boyce (2005) User-equilibrium route set analysis of a large road network, in Transportation and Traffic Theory: Flow, Dynamics and Human Interaction, H. Mahmassani (ed), Elsevier, Oxford, 673-692.
Ham H., T.J. Kim, D. Boyce (2005) Assessment of economic impacts from unexpected events with an interregional commodity flow and multimodal transportation network model, Transportation Research Part A 39, 849-860.
Bar-Gera H., D. Boyce (2006) Solving a nonconvex combined travel forecasting model by the method of successive averages with constant step sizes, Transportation Research Part B 40, 351-367.
Boyce D., A. Nagurney (2006) In memoriam: C. B. McGuire and C. B. Winsten, Transportation Science 40, 1-2.
Boyce D., C. Xiong (2007) Forecasting travel for very large cities: Challenges and opportunities for China, Transportmetrica 3, 1-19.
Boyce D. (2007) Forecasting travel on congested urban transportation networks: Review and prospects for network equilibrium models, Networks and Spatial Economics 7, 99-128.
Boyce D. (2007) Future research on urban transportation network modeling, Regional Science and Urban Economics 37, 472-481.
Bar-Gera, H., D. Boyce (2007) Some amazing properties of road traffic network equilibria, in Network Science, Nonlinear Science and Infrastructure Systems, T.L. Friesz (ed), Springer, Berlin, 305-335.
Boyce, D. (2007): An account of a road network design method: Expressway spacing, system configuration and economic evaluation, Infrastrukturprobleme bei Bevölkerungsrückgang (Infrastructure Problems under Population Decline), X. Feng and A. M. Popescu (eds), Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin, 131-159.
Boyce, D., C. O’Neill and W. Scherr (2008) Solving the sequential travel forecasting procedure with feedback, Transportation Research Record 2077, 129-135.
Boyce, D. (2010) Walter Isard, Encyclopedia of Urban Studies, R. Hutchison (ed), Sage, Los Angeles, 399-401.
Boyce, D. E. and R. E. Miller (2011) In Memoriam: Walter Isard (1919–2010), Journal of Regional Science 51, 1-4.
Boyce, D. (2011) In Memoriam: Walter Isard (1919–2010), Papers in Regional Science 90, 5-8.
Bar-Gera, H., D. Boyce and Y. Nie (2012) User-equilibrium route flows and the condition of proportionality, Transportation Research Part B 46, 440-462.
Boyce, D., and H. Bar-Gera (2012) The role of computing in urban travel forecasting: How transportation planning practice shaped software, and software impacted transportation planning practice, Chapter 12, Societies in Motion, A. Frankel, P. Nijkamp and P. McCann (eds), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 271-295.
Boyce, D. (2012) Predicting road traffic route flows uniquely for urban transportation planning, Studies in Regional Science 42, 77-91.
Boyce, D. (2013) A memoir for Andrew Isserman, International Regional Science Review 36, 16-21.
Boyce, D. (2013) Beckmann’s transportation network equilibrium model: its history and relationship to the Kuhn-Tucker conditions, Economics of Transportation 2, 47-52.
Boyce, D. and J. Xie (2013) Assigning user class link flows uniquely, Transportation Research Part A 53, 23-35.
Boyce, D. (2014) Network equilibrium models for urban transport, Chapter 40, Handbook of Regional Science, M.M. Fischer, P. Nijkamp (eds), Springer, Berlin, 759-786.
Boyce, D. (2014) Martin Beckmann in the 1950s: Contributions to regional science, Man, Environment, Space and Time, Karlsruhe Papers in Economic Policy Research, 34, R. Funck, W. Rothengatter (eds), Nomos, Baden-Baden, 15-35.