Faculty DirectoryAlex Castrounis

Adjunct Lecturer
2145 Sheridan RoadTech
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
Email Alex Castrounis
MS, Mathematics, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico
BS, Earth & Planetary Sciences, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Alex Castrounis is the founder and CEO of Why of AI and the author of AI for People and Business. He is also an adjunct for Northwestern University’s Kellogg / McCormick MBAi program, where he created and teaches the program’s core artificial intelligence and machine learning course.
Alex has spent the last two decades advising businesses of all sizes, from startups to Fortune 100s, on how to use data, analytics, and technology to drive business and customer success. A significant part of his work has been helping companies embed artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science into every facet of their decision-making, operations, and products.
Alex also understands how analytics and data-driven decisions can help businesses gain and maintain a competitive advantage. As a former INDYCAR engineer and data scientist, he honed his ability to measure and analyze billions of data points to deliver an advantage in races where milliseconds separate winners from the rest of the pack.
Significant Recognition
- MS Mathematics, Awarded with Distinction, 2009
Selected Publications
Castrounis, Alex. AI for People and Business: A Framework for Better Human Experiences and Business Success. O'Reilly Media, 2019.
Alex Castrounis, Master’s Thesis, High Performance Damper Optimization Using Computer Simulation and Design of Experiments, 2009.
Gary A. Smith, Patrick S. Florence, Alex D. Castrounis, Mark Luongo, Jessica D. Moore, John Throne, and Karin Zelley, Academic Paper, Basaltic Near-vent Facies of Vulcan Cone, Albuquerque Volcanoes, New Mexico, 1999.
Full-Time / Evening & Weekend MBA Courses
Applied AI for Business (MBAi 448)
MBAi 448 is a unique course that teaches students about artificial intelligence and machine learning in an approach that blends business and technology leadership. The course strives to achieve the ideal balance between technical expertise and business acumen as related to these important fields.
Students will understand the origins, concepts, and inner workings of artificial intelligence and machine learning at an MBA-appropriate level, as well as gain hands-on experience and introductory skills with machine learning tools and techniques commonly used to develop AI solutions. Additionally, students will develop a deep understanding of artificial intelligence as viewed through the lens of business and AI applied in the real-world, including developing the understanding and skills needed to map business needs to real-world AI applications.