Faculty DirectoryYasin Dhaher

Research Professor of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
2145 Sheridan RoadTech
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
312-238-1408Email Yasin Dhaher
Neuromechanics of Impaired Locomotion Lab
Research Interests
Biomechanics/Neuromechanics and Motor Control
The central focus of these research topics is to understand the basic biomechanical and neurophysiological properties of the lower limb after neurological lesions (disorders) or orthopaedic injuries. The primary goal of these investigations is to evaluate and improve rehabilitations interventions after neurological and musculoskeletal disabilities.
Selected Publications
Dhaher Y.Y. Kwon, T. Barry M. The Effect of Connective Tissue Material Uncertainties on Knee Joint Mechanics under Isolated Loading Conditions (In print, J. Biomechanics; 2010).
Sulzer, J., Gordon, K., Dhaher, Y., Peshkin, M., and Patton, J. Is hip circumduction necessitated by reduced foot clearance? (Aug;41(8):1709-14. Epub 2010 Jun 24. Stroke; 2010). (Corresponding Author).
Cammarata M. Dhaher, Y. Gender-specific motor template in response to valgus perturbation at the human knee, Muscle & Nerve. May;41(5):614-23, 2010.
Barry, M J; Kwon, T H; Dhaher, Y Y; Probabilistic Musculoskeletal Modeling of the Knee: A Preliminary Examination of an ACL-Reconstruction, the 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, August 31 - September 4, 2010 Buenos Aires Sheraton Hotel, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Cammarata M, Dhaher Y, Proprioceptive Acuity in the Frontal and Sagittal Planes in Knee Osteoarthritis. the 34th Annual meeting of teh American Society of Biomechanics, August 18-21, 2010. Providence, RI
Lewek M.D., Hayes T., Moore J.L., Roth H.R., Dhaher Y., Hornby T.G., Allowing intralimb kinematic variability during locomotor training poststroke improves kinematic consistency: a subgroup analysis from a randomized clinical trial, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Aug; 89(8):829-39. Epub Jun 11, 2009.
Cruz, T. and Dhaher, Y. Impact of ankle-foot-orthosis on frontal plane behaviors post-stroke, Gait Posture. Oct;30(3):312-6. Epub 2009 Jun 30. 2009.
Cruz, T. Lewek, M.D. and Dhaher, Y. Biomechanical Impairments and Gait Adaptations Post-Stroke: Multi-factorial Associations. Journal of Biomechanics, Aug 7; 42(11):1673-7. Epub May 20, 2009.
Hunter B., Thelen D. Dhaher Y. A three-dimensional biomechanical evaluation of quadriceps and hamstrings function using electrical stimulation, IEEE Tran Neural Syst Rehabil Eng; 17(2):167-75, 2009. (Cover article)
Gordon K.E., Wu M., Kahn J.H., Dhaher Y.Y. and Schmit, B.D. Ankle Load Modulates Hip Kinetics during Human Locomotion, Journal of Neurophysiology, Apr;101(4):2062-76, 2009.
Cruz, T and Dhaher Y. Impaired Lower Limb Muscle Synergies Post-Stroke. Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, September 2-6, 2009.
Finley, J. Dhaher, Y. Perreault, E. Regulation of Feed-Forward and Feedback Strategies at the Human Ankle During Balance Control. Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, September 2-6, 2009.
Finley JM, Perreault EJ, Dhaher Y. Heteronymous Reflex Contributions to Circumduction in Stroke, Experimental Brain Research. July;188(4):529-40, 2008.
Cammarata M. Dhaher, Y. The differential effects of gender, anthropometry, and prior hormonal state on frontal plane knee joint stiffness. Journal of Clinical Biomechanics, Aug;23(7):937-45, 2008
Keshner, E. and Dhaher Y. Characterizing Head Motion in 3 Planes during Combined Visual and Base of Support Disturbances in Healthy and Visually Sensitive Subjects. Gait and Posture, 28(1): pp. 127-134, 2008.
Cruz, T. and Dhaher, Y. Evidence of torque synergies in the lower extremities after stroke. Stroke, 39(1): pp.139-147, 2008. (Cover article)
Hernandez A, Dhaher Y. Thelen D. In vivo measurement of dynamic muscle function at postures representative of early swing phase. Journal of Biomechanics, 41(1): pp. 137-144, 2008.
Lewek MD, Hornby TG, Dhaher Y., Schmit BD, Prolonged Quadriceps Activity Following Imposed Hip Extension : A Neurophysiological Mechanism for Stiff-Knee Gait. Journal of Neurophysiology, 98(6): pp. 3153-3162, 2007.
Keshner, E., Dhaher Y., Streepey J. W., Hain T., Pairing virtual reality with dynamic posturography serves to differentiate between patients experiencing visual vertigo. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 9; pp. 4:24. 2007.
Cruz, T. and Dhaher, Y. Compensatory Gait Movements Post Stroke: Influence of Synergies. North American Congress on Biomechanics, August 05-09, 2008. Ann Arbor, MI
Cammarata C, and Dhaher, Y. Proprioceptive Sensitivity in Constrained and Unconstrained Degrees Of Freedom. North American Congress on Biomechanics, August 05-09, 2008. Ann Arbor, MI
Cammarata M, DeMott T, Dhaher Y. Evidence of gender specific motor templates to resist a valgus perturbation at the knee. American Society of Biomechanics Conference, Aug 22-25, 2007. Palo Alto, CA (Won the Clinical Biomechanics Award)
Hunter B, Thelen D., Dhaher Y. Experimental evaluation of model-based lower extremity induced accelerations. American Society of Biomechanics Conference, August 22-25, 2007. Palo Alto, CA
Hayes, T. and Dhaher, Y. Torque coupling post stroke: implication for gait. American Society of Biomechanics Conference, August 22-25, 2007. Palo Alto, CA
Finley JM, Perreault EJ, Dhaher Y. Enhanced Inter-Joint Reflex Coupling May Contribute to Impaired Coordination in Hemiparetic Stroke. American Society of Biomechanics Conference, August 22-25, 2007. Palo Alto, CA
Cammarata M, DeMott T, Dhaher Y. Frontal plane knee joint stiffness: gender and hormonal effects. American Society of Biomechanics Conference, Aug 22-25, 2007. Palo Alto, CA
Nessler J., Lin W., Dhaher Y. Synergistic Moments at the Hip and Knee Joints Are Altered In Post-Stroke Hemiplegic Gait. ASME 2007 Summer Bioengineering Conference, June 20 - 24, Keystone, CO, 2007
Hernandez A, Dhaher Y. Thelen D. Rectus Femoris can Induce Hip Extension at Postures Representative of the Early Swing Phase of Walking. Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society 12th Annual Meeting, April 11-14, 2007, Springfield, MA
Keshner, E., Dhaher Y., Streepey J. W., Hain T., Pairing virtual reality with dynamic posturography serves to differentiate between patients experiencing visual vertigo. In press, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2007.
Dhaher, Y. and Francis M. Determination of the varus-valgus axis of rotation at the human knee: A helical axis representation, Journal of Orthopaedic Research, vol. 25 (1), Published on line December, 2006.
Lewek MD, Schmit BD, Hornby TG, Dhaher Y. Hip joint position modulates volitional knee extensor muscle activity post-stroke. Muscle and Nerve vol. 34 (6), Published on line September, 2006.
Dhaher Y.Y., Tsoumanis A.D., Houle T.T., and Rymer W.Z. Neuromuscular reflexes contribute to knee stiffness during valgus loading. J Neurophysiology Vol. 93(5), pp. 2698-709, 2005.
Gurses, S., Dhaher Y.*, Hain, T. C. and Keshner, E. A. Perturbation Parameters Associated with Nonlinear Responses of the Head at Small Amplitudes. (Chaos, 2005; * corresponding Author).
Keshner, E., Kenyon R., Dhaher Y., Streepey J. W. Employing a virtual environment in postural research and rehabilitation to reveal the impact of visual information. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, vol 3(3), July-September, pp. 177-182, 2005.
Ricamato, A. and Dhaher, Y. Electrical Cortical Activity Associated with Joint Torque Direction in the Human Arm, J. Clinical Neurophys. vol. 21(3), pp.192-208, 2004.