Faculty DirectoryLevi J Hargrove

Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Research Scientist in the Center for Bionic Medicine at RIC
345 E. SuperiorRoom 1309
Chicago, IL 60611
312-238-2084Email Levi Hargrove
Profile at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
BScE in Electrical Engineering, University of New Brunswick, 2003
MScE in Electrical Engineering, University of New Brunswick, 2005
PhD in Electrical Engineering, University of New Brunswick, 2008
Research Interests
Dr. Hargrove’s research interests include signal processing, pattern recognition and myoelectric control of powered prostheses. Dr. Hargrove focuses on research and development of clinically realizable myoelectric control systems in hopes that the systems can be made available to amputees in the near-term.
Selected Publications
Activation of individual extrinsic thumb muscles and compartments of extrinsic finger muscles
Birdwell JA, Hargrove LJ, Kuiken TA, Weir RF.
Journal of Neurophysiology. 2013 Sep 15;110(6):1385-1392.doi:10.1152/jn.00748.2012.
ISSN: 00223077
Non-weight-bearing neural control of a powered transfemoral prosthesis
Hargrove LJ, Simon AM, Lipschutz R, Finucane SB, Kuiken TA.
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 2013 Jun 19;62-.doi:10.1186/1743-0003-10-62.
ISSN: 17430003
Development of a mechatronic platform and validation of methods for estimating ankle stiffness during the stance phase of walking
Rouse EJ, Hargrove LJ, Perreault EJ, Peshkin MA, Kuiken TA.
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 2013 Jan;135(8):doi:10.1115/1.4024286.
ISSN: 01480731
Classification of simultaneous movements using surface EMG pattern recognition
Young AJ, Smith LH, Rouse EJ, Hargrove LJ.
IEEE Transactions on Bio