Faculty DirectoryThomas Meade

The Eileen M. Foell Professor of Chemistry, Molecular Biosciences, Neurobiology, Biomedical Engineering, and Radiology
Director of the Center for Advanced Molecular Imaging
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
2170 Campus DriveSilverman Hall 2504
Evanston, IL 60208-2850
Email Thomas Meade
Research Interests
The Meade Lab research focuses on inorganic coordination chemistry for the study of molecular imaging of in vivo gene expression and intracellular messengers, transition metal enzyme inhibitors, and electronic biosensors. The design, synthesis and physical properties of transition metal and lanthanide coordination complexes are the foundation of our research.
Selected Publications
LM Lilley, K Du, MD Krzyaniak, G Parigi, C Luchinat, TD Harris and TJ Meade. "Effect of Magnetic Coupling on Water Proton Relaxivity in a Series of Transition Metal-Gd(III) Complexes" Inorg Chem (2018), 57(10), 5810-5819. PMCID: PMC6016852
Rotz MW, Holbrook RJ, MacRenaris KW, Meade TJ. "A Markedly Improved Synthetic Approach for the Preparation of Multifunctional Au-DNA Nanoparticle Conjugates Modified with Optical and MR Imaging Probes." Bioconjugate Chemistry, (2018), 29, 11, 3544-3549. PMCID: PMC6268127
Hanson, ED., Lilley LM., Cain JD., Shiqiang H., Palacios E., Aydin K., Wolverton C., Meade TJ., Dravid, VP., “Phase engineering and optical properties of 2D MoSe2: Promise and pitfalls.” Materials Chemistry and Physics, (2019), 225, 219-226.
Li H, Parigi G, Luchinat C, Meade TJ. “A Bimodal Fluorescence-Magnetic Resonance Contrast Agent for Apoptosis Imaging.” J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2019), 141 (15), 6224-6233 DOI: PMCID: PMC6939894.
Bajema EA, Roberts KF, Meade TJ, "Cobalt-Schiff Base Complexes: Preclinical Research and Potential Therapeutic Uses." Metal Ions in Life Sciences, (A. Sigel, E. Freisinger and R. Sigel, eds.) Vol. 19., Chapter 11, (2019), 4267-4301.
Iscen A, Brue CR, Roberts KF, Kim J, Schatz GC, Meade TJ. ”Inhibition of Amyloid-β Aggregation by Cobalt(III) Schiff Base Complexes: A Computational and Experimental Approach.” J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2019), 141, 16685-16695.
Moore LK, Caldwell MA, Townsend TR, MacRenaris KW, Moyle-Heyrman G, Rammohan N, Schonher EK, Burdette JE, Ho D, Meade TJ. “Water-Soluble Nanoconjugate for Enhanced Cellular Delivery of Receptor-Targeted Magnetic Resonance Contrast Agents.” Biocon. Chem., (2019), 30, 2947-2957. PMCID: PMC6868311.
Li H, Meade TJ. “Molecular Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Gd(III)-Based Contrast Agents: Challenges and Key Advances.” J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2019), 141, 43, 17025-17041. PMCID: PMC6821590.
Lilley LM, Kamper S, Caldwell M, Chia ZK, Mallweg D, Vistain L, Krimmel J, Mills TA, MacRenaris K, Lee P, Waters EA, Meade TJ. “Self Immolative Activation of β-Galactosidase-Responsive Probes for In Vivo MR Imaging in Mouse Models.” Angew Chem Int.Ed Engl., (2020), 59, 388-394. PMCID: PMC6923588.
Adams C., Krueger R., Meade TJ.,“A Multimodal Ca(II) Responsive Near IR-MR Contrast Agent Exhibiting High Cellular Uptake." ACS Chemical Biology, (2020), in press.
Adams C., Meade TJ., “Gd(III)-Pt(IV) Theranostic contrast agents for tandem MR imaging and chemotherapy.” Chemical Science, (2020), in press.