Faculty DirectoryNeil Schweitzer

Research Assistant Professor
2145 Sheridan RoadTech
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
Email Neil Schweitzer
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Selected Publications
- Chen, Zhihengyu; Gulam Rabbani, S. M.; Liu, Qin; Bi, Wentuan; Duan, Jiaxin; Lu, Zhiyong; Schweitzer, Neil M.; Getman, Rachel B.; Hupp, Joseph T.; Chapman, Karena W., Atomically Precise Single-Site Catalysts via Exsolution in a Polyoxometalate-Metal-Organic-Framework Architecture, Journal of the American Chemical Society (2024).
- Mou, Tianyou; Pillai, Hemanth Somarajan; Wang, Siwen; Wan, Mingyu; Han, Xue; Schweitzer, Neil M.; Che, Fanglin; Xin, Hongliang, Bridging the complexity gap in computational heterogeneous catalysis with machine learning, Nature Catalysis (2023).
- Wu, Yufang; Wang, Xingjie; Kirlikovali, Kent O.; Gong, Xinyi; Atilgan, Ahmet; Ma, Kaikai; Schweitzer, Neil M.; Gianneschi, Nathan C.; Li, Zhong; Zhang, Xuan; Farha, Omar K., Catalytic Degradation of Polyethylene Terephthalate Using a Phase-Transitional Zirconium-Based Metal–Organic Framework, Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (2022).
- Lu, Zhiyong; Duan, Jiaxin; Du, Liting; Liu, Qin; Schweitzer, Neil M.; Hupp, Joseph T., Incorporation of free halide ions stabilizes metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) against pore collapse and renders large-pore Zr-MOFs functional for water harvesting, Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2022).
- Yang, Muwen; Xiong, Qinsi; Kodaimati, Mohamad S.; Jiang, Xinyi; Schweitzer, Neil M.; Schatz, George C.; Weiss, Emily A., Dynamic Control of Photocatalytic Proton Reduction through the Mechanical Actuation of a Hydrogel Host Matrix, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2021).
- Miller, Jeffrey T.; Schweitzer, Neil M.; Aouine, Mimoun; Vernoux, Philippe; Boufar, Abdelmalik; Blanchard, Juliette; Krafft, Jean Marc; Méthivier, Christophe; Sayag, Céline; Ser, Frédéric; Sicard, Mickaël; Thomas, Cyril, Successive Strong Electrostatic Adsorptions of [RhCl6]3-on Tungstated-Ceria as an Original Approach to Preserve Rh Clusters from Sintering under High-Temperature Reduction, Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2021).
- Yang, Ying; Noh, Hyunho; Ma, Qing; Wang, Rui; Chen, Zhihengyu; Schweitzer, Neil M.; Liu, Jian; Chapman, Karena W.; Hupp, Joseph T., Engineering Dendrimer-Templated, Metal-Organic Framework-Confined Zero-Valent, Transition-Metal Catalysts, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 13(30):36232-36239 (2021).
- Edgington, Jane; Schweitzer, Neil; Alayoglu, Selim; Seitz, Linsey C., Constant Change, Journal of the American Chemical Society 143(26):9961-9971 (2021).