Faculty DirectoryOluwaseyi Balogun

Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
2137 N. Tech DriveCatalysis 325
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
847-491-3054Email Oluwaseyi Balogun
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Graduate Program
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Boston University, Boston, MA
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Boston University, Boston, MA
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
Research Interests
Research: Optical and acoustic wave Sensing, Biomechancs of Soft Materials, Phononic Structures, Thermal Transport
My research group studies the propagation of coherent and incoherent elastic vibrations in materials, to understand how these carriers impact energy transport in bulk materials and across interfaces in condensed matter, and to elucidate the structure-property relationships of materials. We utilize optical and scanning probe techniques to image and characterize the thermal conductivity of bulk and low-dimensional electronic materials, and the thermal boundary resistance of interfaces in thermoelectric materials, vibrational properties of condensed matter, viscoelastic properties of biofilms and biological tissues, elastic properties of thin films and interfaces, and to study the coupling of optical and acoustic oscillations in nanostructures. We also rely on continuum modeling to understand the sensor and material physics.
Significant Recognition
- BU Technology Commercialization Institute Award, 2004
Significant Professional Service
Selected Publications
E. Dieppa, H. Schmitz, Z. Wang, F. Sabba, G. Wells, and O. Balogun, Quantifying Elastic Properties of Environmental Biofilms using Optical Coherence Elastography. JoVE Journal, doi:10.3791/66118, (2023) (Accepted)
E. Isotta, S. Jiang, G. Moller, A. Zevalkink, G.J. Snyder, and O. Balogun, Microscale Thermal Imaging of Thermal Conductivity Suppression at Grain Boundaries. Advanced Materials, 230277, (2023)
J. Ahmed, Q. J. Wang, O. Balogun, N. Ren, R. England, F. Lockwood, Molecular Dynamics Modeling of Thermal Conductivity of Several Hydrocarbon Base Oils. Tribology Letters, 71(2), 70, (2023)
S. Jiang, D. Lebedev, L. Andrews, J.T. Gish, T.W. Song, M.C. Hersam, and O. Balogun, Quantitative Characterization of the Anisotropic Thermal Properties of Encapsulated Two-Dimensional MoS2 Nanofilms. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(7), 10123, (2023)
S. Jiang, D. Lebedev, L. Andrews, J.T. Gish, T.W. Song, M.C. Hersam, and O. Balogun, Quantitative Characterization of the Anisotropic Thermal Properties of Encapsulated Two-Dimensional MoS2 Nanofilms. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Accepted, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.2c18755, (2023)
W. Chen, D. Lee, O. Balogun, and W. Chen, GAN-DUF: Hierarchical Deep Generative Models for Design under Free-Form Geometric Uncertainty. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Design, 145(1), 011703, (2022)
P. Candry, B.J. Godfrey, Z. Wang, F. Sabba, E. Dieppa, J. Fudge, O. Balogun, G. Wells, and M.K.H. Wrinkler, Tailoring Polyvynl Alcohol-Sodium Alginate (PVA-Sa) Hydrogels Beads by Controlling Crosslinking pH and Time, Scientific Reports, 12(1), 20822, (2022)
Z. Wang, O. Balogun, and Y.Y. Kim, Nanomechanical Property Evaluation of Tungsten Thin Film via Frequency Domain Photoacoustic Microscopy. Thin Solid Films, 742, 139050, (2022)
D. Lee, S. Jiang, O. Balogun, and W. Chen, Dynamic Control of Plasmonic Localization by Inverse Optimization of Spatial Phase Modulation. ACS Photonics, 9(2), 351-359, (2021)
H.C. Liou, F. Sabba, Z. Wang, G. Wells, and O. Balogun, Layered viscoelastic properties of granular biofilms. Water Research 202, 117394, (2021)
J.F. Gish, D. Lebedev, T.K. Stanev, S. Jiang, , L. Georgopoulos, T.W. Song. G. Lim, E.S. Garvey, L. Valdman, O. Balogun, Z. Sofer, V.K. Sangwan, N.P. Stern, and M.C. Hersam. Ambient-Stable Two-Dimensional CrI3 via Organic-Inorganic Encapsulation. ACS Nano, 15(6), 10659-10667, (2021)
H.C. Liou, F. Sabba, A.I. Packman, A. Rosenthal, G.F. Wells, and O. Balogun, “Towards mechanical property characterization of granular biofilms by optical coherence elastography measurements of circumferential elastic waves.” Soft Matter 15: 5562-5573, (2019).
H.C. Liou, F. Sabba, A.I. Packman, G.F. Wells, and O. Balogun, “Nondestructive characterization of soft materials and biofilms by measurement of guided elastic wave propagating using optical coherence elastography.” Soft Matter 15: 575-586, (2019).
B. Lu , L. Zhang, and O. Balogun, “Cross-plane thermal transport measurements across CVD grown few layer graphene films on a silicon substrate”, AIP Advances, 19, 045126:1-5, (2019)
O. Balogun, “Optically detecting acoustic oscillations at the nanoscale: Exploring techniques suitable for studying elastic wave propagation”, IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine, 13(2), 39-54, (2019) (Invited review article)
C. Wang, O. Balogun, and J.D. Achenbach, “Scattering of a Rayleigh wave by a near surface crack which is normal to the free surface”. International Journal of Engineering Science, 145, 103162, (2019)
J. Zhu, H. Chen, B. Wu, W. Chen, and O. Balogun, “Tunable band gaps and transmission behavior of SH waves with oblique incident angle in periodic dielectric elastomer laminates. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 146-147, 81-90, (2018)
A. Rosenthal, J.S. Griffin, O. Balogun, A.I. Packman, G.F. Wells, “Morphological analysis of pore size and connectivity in a thick nitrifying biofilm”, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 115, 2268-2279, (2018)
M. Ford, P. Peng, and O. Balogun, “Acoustic Modal Testing of Bicycle Rims”, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 37, 16, 2018
Z. Meng, J. Han, X. Qin, Y. Zhang, O. Balogun, and S. Keten, “Spalling-like failure by cylindrical projectiles deteriorates the ballistic performance of multi-layer graphene plates”, Carbon, 126, 611, (2018)
G.S. Shekhawat, A.K. Srivastava, V.P. Dravid, and O. Balogun, “Thickness resonance acoustic microscopy for nanomechanical sub-surface imaging” ACS Nano. 11(6), 6139, (2017)
X. Chen, B. Dong, and O. Balogun, “Near-field photothermal heating with a plasmonic nanofocusing probe”, International Journal of Thermophysics, 37(3), 26, (2016).
A.F. Rosenthal, O. Balogun, and G.F. Wells, “Morphological examination of nitrifying biofilms in a moving bed biofilm reactor using optical coherence tomography and fluorescence in situ hybridization”, Proceedings of the water Environment Federation, 9, 4546, (2016).
B. Sherman, H.C. Liou, and O. Balogun, “Thin Film Interface Stresses Generated by High Amplitude Laser Generated Surface Acoustic Waves” Journal of Applied Physics, 118, 135303, 1-10, (2015)
“Non-Destructive Imaging, Characterization or Measurement of Thin Items Using Laser Generated Lamb Waves,” C. Prada, O. Balogun and T.W. Murray. Patent Filed in October, 2006
In the Classroom
Prof. Balogun teaches undergraduate level courses EA-206-2: Engineering Analysis: Statics and Dynamics, and ME 363: Mechanical Engineering. EA-206-2 provides freshman level undergraduates with a solid background in the application of Newton’s laws to engineering problem solving. ME 363 provides students with a strong background in modeling and interpretation of oscillatory motion in mechanical systems, based on physics based analysis approaches.
Prof. Balogun also teaches a graduate level course, ME 495: Dynamic deformation of materials. The course focuses on aspects of wave motion in solids including, linear and nonlinear elastic deformation, fracture, and diffraction, induced by dynamic mechanical loading. Specific examples from metals, polymers and composites are provided. The course also surveys available experimental techniques for understanding dynamic deformation in materials.