Faculty DirectoryAlvin Bayliss

Professor of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
Director of Graduate Studies for Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
2145 Sheridan RoadTech
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
Email Alvin Bayliss
Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
Ph.D. Mathematics, New York University, New York, NY
M.S. Mathematics, New York University, New York, NY
B.S. Physics, City College of New York, New York, NY
Research Interests
I currently work in the numerical solution of partial differential equations, especially those modeling ecological systems. My focus is both on the development of accurate and efficient numerical methods and the use of these methods to describe the dynamics of these systems. Development of adaptive numerical procedures for both finite differences and spectral methods. At this time my research focus is in computational ecology where I develop, analyze and simulate models of multi-species ecological communities. I am particularly interested in multi-species communities exhibiting cyclic competition (for three-species communities so called rock-paper-scissors systems).
Significant Recognition
- Clarence ver Steeg Graduate Faculty Award
- McCormick Teaching Award
- ISI Highly Cited Researcher
Significant Professional Service
- Associate Editor - Journal of Computational Physics, Applied Numerical Mathematics
Selected Publications
- Wang, Z.; Bayliss, A.; Volpert, V. A., Competing alliances in a four-species cyclic ecosystem, Applied Mathematics and Computation (2024).
- Stiadle, Thomas I.; Bayliss, Alvin; Volpert, Vladimir A., Cyclic Ecological Systems with an Exceptional Species, Applied Mathematics and Computation (2023).
- Stiadle, Thomas I.; Bayliss, Alvin; Volpert, Vladimir, Order and Disorder in a Cyclically Competitive Ecological Community, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems (2023).
- Bayliss, Alvin; Shafirovich, Evgeny; Volpert, Vladimir A., Counterflow combustion waves in short samples of metal powders at natural filtration of oxygen, Combustion Theory and Modelling (2022).
- Wang, Zihao; Bayliss, A.; Volpert, V. A., Asymptotic analysis of the bistable Lotka-Volterra competition-diffusion system, Applied Mathematics and Computation (2022).
- Bayliss, A.; Nepomnyashchy, A. A.; Volpert, V. A., Beyond rock–paper–scissors systems — Deterministic models of cyclic ecological systems with more than three species, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 411 (2020).
- Bayliss, Alvin; Nepomnyashchy, A. A.; Volpert, Vladimir, Mathematical modeling of cyclic population dynamics, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena (2019).
- Autry, Eric A.; Bayliss, Alvin; Volpert, Vladimir, Biological control with nonlocal interactions, Mathematical Biosciences 301:129-146 (2018).