Faculty DirectoryRandall Berry

Chair and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
John A. Dever Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2145 Sheridan RoadTech L352 (Chair's Office) or Tech L389 (Faculty Office)
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
847-491-7074Email Randall Berry
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ph.D. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT, Cambridge, MA
S.M. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT, Cambridge, MA
B.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri, Rolla, MO
Research Interests
Prof. Berry's research covers resource allocation problems that arise in networked systems ranging from communication networks to social networks. This work uses mathematical models to gain insights into such systems and draws on tools from stochastic modeling, optimization, economics and algorithms. Specific topics of current interest include developing distributed resource allocation techniques for wireless networks, dynamic spectrum sharing and wireless spectrum policy, understanding the role of incentives in network security and modeling learning and adoption in social networks.
Selected Publications
- Huang, Chao; Yu, Haoran; Huang, Jianwei; Berry, Randall, An Online Inference-Aided Incentive Framework for Information Elicitation Without Verification, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (2023).
- Huang, Chao; Yu, Haoran; Huang, Jianwei; Berry, Randall A., Strategic Information Revelation Mechanism in Crowdsourcing Applications Without Verification, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (2023).
- Chen, Cheng; Berry, Randall A.; Honig, Michael L.; Subramanian, Vijay G., Pricing, bandwidth allocation, and service competition in heterogeneous wireless networks, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 28(5):2299-2308 (2020).
- Wang, Xu; Berry, Randall A., MAC trade-offs between age and reachability of information in vehicular safety applications, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.:689-695 (2020).
- Yu, Haoran; Wei, Ermin; Berry, Randall A., Analyzing Location-Based Advertising for Vehicle Service Providers Using Effective Resistances, Performance Evaluation Review 47(1):37-38 (2019).
- Yu, Haoran; Wei, Ermin; Berry, Randall A., Monetizing Mobile Data via Data Rewards, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 38(4):782-792 (2020).
- Ghosh, Arnob; Berry, Randall, Spot Markets for Spectrum Measurements, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (2019).
- Yu, Haoran; Wei, Ermin; Berry, Randall A, Analyzing location-based advertising for vehicle service providers using effective resistances, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc:37-38 (2019).
- Le, Tho Ngoc; Subramanian, Vijay G.; Berry, Randall A., Bayesian Learning with Random Arrivals, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.:926-930 (2018).
- Ghosh, Arnob; Berry, Randall; Aggarwal, Vaneet, Spectrum measurement markets for tiered spectrum access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (2018).
- Chen, Cheng; Berry, Randall A.; Honig, Michael L.; Subramanian, Vijay G., The impact of small-cell bandwidth requirements on strategic operators, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (2017).
- Le, Tho Ngoc; Subramanian, Vijay G.; Berry, Randall A., Quantifying the utility of imperfect reviews in stopping information cascades, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.:6990-6995 (2016).
- Ghosh, Arnob; Sarkar, Saswati; Berry, Randall, The Value of Side-Information in Secondary Spectrum Markets, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 35(1):6-19 (2017).
- Nguyen, Thành; Zhou, Hang; Berry, Randall A; Honig, Michael L; Vohra, Rakesh, The cost of free spectrum, Operations Research 64(6):1217-1229 (2016).
- Nguyen, Thành; Subramanian, Vijay; Berry, Randall, Delay in Trade Networks, Operations Research 64(3):646-661 (2016).