Faculty DirectoryJames Conley

Clinical Professor of Technology Industry Management and (by courtesy) Mechanical Engineering
2001 Sheridan RoadJacobs Center 5249
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
847-491-4814Email James Conley
Master of Science in Product Design and Development Management Program
Research Interests
Strategic use of intangible assets and intellectual properties to build and sustain competitive advantage
Significant Recognition
- Invited Keynote Speaker, United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization Conference on IP Management, GOA, India, March 11 - 13, 2007
- Invited Keynote Speaker, United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization Conference on IP Management, Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 11 & 12, 2006
- Invited Keynote Speaker, United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization Conference on IP Research and Education, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, May 10, 2006
- Keynote Plenary Speaker, PATENTE Conference, October 5, 2005, Frankfurt, Germany, organized by Management Circle
- Selected as 2004 Professor of the Year, Master of New Product Development Program, Northwestern University.
- Invited, keynote author presenting paper entitled "Scaling from Prototype to Production: A Managed Process" at the NSF/Dept. of Ed. sponsored conference addressing "Conceptualizing Scale-up: Multidisciplinary Perspectives" held November 3rd and 4th, 2003 in Washington D.C. This conference was organized by the Data Research and Development Center at the University of Chicago.
- Invited to deliver the "Heinz-Nixdorf" lectures at the WHU in avllendar, Germany in 2003 through 2009.
- Invited Speaker, Annual Meeting of German Academic Society for Innovation Management, Vallendar, Germany, 10/25/01
- Invited Speaker, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society Annual banquet, Spring 2001
- Keynote Speaker, 9th Engineering Foundation Conference on the Modeling of Casting, Welding, Solidification Process, Aachen Germany, August 2000 (see publication #36)
- Literati Award Winner 2000, MCB University Press awarded annually to best paper in Rapid Prototyping Journal
- Best Paper Award, American Foundry Society, Division 7, 1999 Congress
- Selected as 1998 Recipient of Ralph R. Teetor Educator Award, SAE International
- Invited Speaker, Stanford University Center for Turbulence Research, June 1997
- Appointed as Pentair-Nugent Professor of Business Leadership, NU MMM Program, 1996
- Ministry of International Trade and Industry Invited Speaker, JETRO Japan Manufacturing Investment Conference, Chicago, November 1995
- Invited Speaker, Japan Light Metals Assoc. Prototyping Conference, Sendai, JAPAN August 1995
- Appointed General Electric Foundation Professorship, NU McCormick School, 1994 - 1995
- Popular Science, "BEST OF WHAT'S NEW", Grand Award Winner, Fall 1993
- Invited speaker, Osaka University 1989 International Engineering Symposium
- Best Paper, 1987 John E. Hilliard Memorial Symposium, N. U. Materials Sci. Department
- Alpha Sigma Mu, American Society for Metals National Honor Society, 1985
- Walter P. Murphy Graduate Fellowship, Northwestern University,1983 - 1984
- Best Paper, 1983 American Nuclear Society Conference, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Division
- Alpha Nu Sigma, Nuclear Engineering National Honor Society, 1983
- Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Scholar, 1981 - 1983
In the Classroom
Professor Conley teaches an array of courses for the engineering students including IDEA 395 Innovation and Invention, MPD 458 Intellectual Property Strategy for Product Development, IE497-15 Intellectual Property Strategy in Manufacturing and IE497-05 Rapid Product Realization.