Faculty DirectoryBuckley Crist

Professor Emeritus of Materials Science and Engineering
2220 Campus DriveCook Hall 4019
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
847-491-3279Email Buckley Crist
Materials Science and Engineering
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Ph.D. Physical Chemistry, Duke University, Durham, NC
B.A. Chemistry, Williams College, Wiliamstown, MA
Research Interests
Polymer Solids and Blends
Our current work focuses on the role of randomly incorporated comonomer units (defects) on the morphology and mechanical properties of polymers. Crystalline fraction, melting temperature, and mechanical and optical properties are controlled by the amount and, to a lesser extent, the type of comonomer.
With well-characterized materials we can compare experimental results to theory in a meaningful way. Our research addresses a number of fundamental questions about semicrystalline polymers: What establishes the noncrystalline fraction of semicrystalline polymers? How do semicrystalline polymers melt? How do crystalline fraction and morphogy affect tensile deformation mechanisms?
Selected Publications
Polymer Spherulites: A Critical Review [with J. M. Schultz], Progress in Polymer Science 56 1-63 (2016).
Structure Of Polycrystalline Aggregates [with J. M. Schultz], in Handbook of Polymer Crystallization, E. Piorkowska and G. C. Rutledge, eds., John Wiley & Sons, New York; pp. 73-123 (2013).
Atomic Force Microscopy Studies Of Polymer Crystals: Nucleation, Growth, Annealing, Melting [with J. M. Schultz], in Encyclopedia of Polymers and Composites, S. Palsule, T. Kyu eds., DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-37179-0_23-1, Springer Verlag, Berlin; 25 pages (2013).
Yet Another Visit to the Melting of Polyethylene Crystals, Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics 45, 3232-3236 (2007).
Equilibrium Aspects of Chain Folded Polymer Crystals, Macromolecules 39 1971-1980 (2006).
Copolymer Crystallization: Approaching Equilibrium [with T. M Finerman], Polymer 46 8745-8751 (2005)