Faculty Directory
Gianluca Cusatis

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and (by courtesy) Mechanical Engineering


2145 Sheridan Road
Tech A134
Evanston, IL 60208-3109

847-491-4027Email Gianluca Cusatis


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SPREE Center


Civil and Environmental Engineering


Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Graduate Program

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Ph.D. in Structural Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy

Laurea degree in Structural Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy

Research Interests

Mechanics of infrastructure materials and constitutive modeling of concrete and cementitious composites

Significant Recognition

  • ASCE/EMI Fellow
  • Member, American Society of Civil Engineers

Significant Professional Service

  • ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI), Board of Governors, Member, October 2017 - October 2020
  • IA-ConCreep, Board of Directors, Secretary, October 2008 - September 2012; President, October 2015 - November 2021.
  • IA-FraMCoS, Board of Directors, Treasurer, March 2013 - June 2019
  • ACI 446, Fracture Mechanics, Chair, March 2010 – President
  • ACI 209, Creep and Shrinkage in Concrete, Chair, April 2016 -- August 2021; Member, May 2008 -- Present

Selected Publications

  • Yin, Hao; Cibelli, Antonio; Brown, Susan Alexis; Yang, Lifu; Shen, Lei; Alnaggar, Mohammed; Cusatis, Gianluca; Di Luzio, Giovanni, Flow Lattice Model for the simulation of chemistry dependent transport phenomena in cementitious materials, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering (2024).
  • Pijaudier-Cabot, Gilles; Toussaint, Dono; Pathirage, Madura; Cusatis, Gianluca, The Role of the Horizon in Modeling Failure due to Strain and Damage Localization with Peridynamics, Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2024).
  • Brown, Susan Alexis; Di Luzio, Giovanni; Cusatis, Gianluca, Microprestress Theory for the Prediction of Mechanosorptive Creep in Wood, Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2024).
  • Mercuri, Micaela; Pathirage, Madura; Gregori, Amedeo; Cusatis, Gianluca, Influence of self-weight on size effect of quasi-brittle materials, International Journal of Fracture (2024).
  • Angiolilli, Michele; Gregori, Amedeo; Cusatis, Gianluca, Simulating the Nonlinear Mechanical Behavior of FRCM-strengthened Irregular Stone Masonry Walls, International Journal of Architectural Heritage (2023).
  • Lyu, Yuhui; Pathirage, Madura; Nguyen, Hoang T.; Bažant, Zdeněk P.; Cusatis, Gianluca, Dissipation mechanisms of crack-parallel stress effects on fracture process zone in concrete, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2023).
  • Zhu, Zhongfeng; Troemner, Matthew; Wang, Wenwei; Cusatis, Gianluca; Zhou, Yingwu, Lattice discrete particle modeling of the cycling behavior of strain-hardening cementitious composites with and without fiber reinforced polymer grid reinforcement, Composite Structures (2023).
  • Shirole, Deepanshu; Volpatti, Giovanni; Guerini, Alexandre; Zampini, Davide; Cusatis, Gianluca; Rotta Loria, Alessandro F., Effects of electrodeposition in concrete mediated by electric currents of variable polarity, Cement and Concrete Research (2023).