Faculty DirectoryIsaac M. Daniel

Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
2137 Tech DriveCatalysis 326
Evanston, IL 60208-3020
847-491-5649Email Isaac Daniel
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Graduate Program
Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
M.S. Civil Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
B.S. Civil Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
National Technical University, Athens, Greece
Research Interests
Prof. Daniel’s research encompasses many areas of mechanics and materials with emphasis on experimental mechanics and composite materials. In the latter, he has worked on all aspects of the area including processing, characterization, and modeling of polymer, ceramic and metal matrix composites; nanocomposites and hybrid nano/microcomposites; fracture and damage mechanics; nondestructive evaluation; and life prediction. He has pioneered test methods for characterization of these materials and has developed a new failure theory, the Northwestern Theory.
Significant Recognition
- Plenary Speaker, International Conference on Dynamic Response and Failure of Composites (DRAF14), Ischia, Italy.
- Medal of Excellence in Composite Materials, American Society for Composites
- Receive PhD degree, Honoris Causa, from Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
- Plenary speaker at 10th International Conference on Sandwich Structures, Nantes, France
- Best Paper Award (most highly cited), International Journal of Damage Mechanics, SAGE Publications
- Elected Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA)
- Elected Honorary Member of the Society for Experimental Mechanics
- Plenary speaker at 16th European Conference on Fracture, Alexandroupolis, Greece.
- Symposium on "Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics" in honor of Isaac M. Daniel held in conjunction with 14th U.S. National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Blacksburg, VA (2002
- Invited Plenary Speaker at 16th European Conference on Fracture (ECF16) in Alexandroupolis, Greece, 2006
- Symposium on “Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics” in honor of Isaac M. Daniel, held in conjunction with 14th U.S. National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Blacksburg, VA
- Professional Achievement Award, Illinois Institute of Technology
- Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- William M. Murray Medal and Lecture, Society for Experimental Mechanics
- Distinguished Research Award, American Society for Composites
- Fellow, American Academy of Mechanics
Significant Professional Service
- Walter P. Murphy Professor
- Editorial Board of the Journal of Composite Materials
- Editorial Board of Composites, Part A
- Fellow of the American Academy of Mechanics
- Fellow, Society for Experimental Mechanics (1981)
- Keynote Speaker at 2nd International Conference on Composites Engineering, New Orleans (1995)
- Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM, Honorary Member; Fellow; Technical Editor; Executive Board; Fracture Committee; Composites Committee; Monographs Committee; Committee on Fellows; International Advisory Board (1980-2012)
- Associate Editor of Journal of Applied Mechanics (1993-1999)
- Plenary speaker at 16th European Conference on Fracture, Alexandroupolis, Greece (2006)
- Elected Honorary Member of the Society for Experimental Mechanics, 2007
- Member of the European Academy of Sciences (EAS), 2009
- Member of the Editorial Boards of Composites A, Journal of Composite Materials, and Strain
- Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA), 2009
- Plenary speaker, The Composites Consortium (TCC), Chicago (2010)
- Foreign member of Russian Academy of Engineering, 2012
- Plenary speaker, Tenth International Conference on Sandwich Structures, Nantes, France (2012)
Selected Publications
- Fenner, Joel S.; Daniel, Isaac M., Testing the 2-3 shear strength of unidirectional composite, Springer New York LLC:77-84 (2019).
- Schaefer, J. D.; Daniel, I. M., Strain-Rate-Dependent Yield Criteria for Progressive Failure Analysis of Composite Laminates Based on the Northwestern Failure Theory, Experimental Mechanics 58(3):487-497 (2018).
- Schaefer, Joseph D.; Werner, Brian T.; Daniel, Isaac M., Strain-Rate-Dependent Failure Criteria for Composite Laminates, Springer New York LLC:187-196 (2018).
- Schaefer, Joseph D.; Werner, Brian T.; Daniel, Isaac M, Progressive Failure Analysis of Multi-Directional Composite Laminates Based on the Strain-Rate-Dependent Northwestern Failure Theory, Springer New York LLC:197-214 (2018).
- Daniel, Isaac M; Fenner, J. S.; Werner, B. T.; Cho, J. M., Characterization and modeling of polymeric foam under multi-axial static and dynamic loading, Springer New York LLC:123-134 (2017).
- Fenner, Joel S.; Daniel, Isaac M, Mixed-mode and mode-II fatigue crack growth in woven composites, Springer New York LLC:63-73 (2017).
- Daniel, Isaac M.; Daniel, Sam M.; Fenner, Joel S., A new yield and failure theory for composite materials under static and dynamic loading, International Journal of Solids and Structures 148-149:79-93 (2017).
- Schaefer, J. D.; Werner, B. T.; Daniel, I. M., Characterization and modeling of progressive damage in angle-ply composite laminates under varying strain rate loading, DEStech Publications Inc. (2016).
In the Classroom
Professor Daniel teaches Mechanics of Materials at the undergraduate level and Experimental Solid Mechanics, Mechanics of Composite Materials, and Special Topics in Nanotechnology at the senior undergraduate and graduate levels. He exposes the students to laboratory demonstrations of composites processing and characterization. He provides the students with an innovative, home-developed computer program for analysis, design, and optimization of composite structures. Course assignments include design and optimization of a composite structure, such as a bicycle, pressure vessel, or torque coupling. In the course he uses a textbook he co-authored on Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials, now in its second edition, which is very well accepted and widely used around the world.