Faculty Directory
Christos Dimoulas

Assistant Professor of Computer Science


2233 Tech Drive
Mudd Room 3513
Evanston, IL 60208-3109

Email Christos Dimoulas


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Computer Science


Ph.D. in Computer Science, Northeastern University, Boston, MA

Research Interests

Programming Languages

Selected Publications

O. Gierczak, L. Menon, C. Dimoulas and A. Ahmed. Gradually Typed Languages Should Be Vigilant! OOPSLA 2024.

C. Moy, C. Dimoulas and M. Felleisen. Effectful Software Contracts POPL 2024.

B. Greenman, M. Felleisen and C. Dimoulas. How Profilers Can Help Navigate Type Migration OOPSLA 2023.

L. Lazarek, B. Greenman, M. Felleisen and C. Dimoulas. How to Evaluate Blame for Gradual Types, Part 2 ICFP 2023.

B. Greenman, C. Dimoulas and M. Felleisen. Typed-Untyped Interactions: A Comparative Analysis. TOPLAS 2023.

C. Zhang, J.D. Hartline and C. Dimoulas. Karp: A Language for NP Reductions. PLDI 2022.

B. Greenman, L. Lazarek, C. Dimoulas and M. Felleisen. A Transient Semantics for Racket. 2022.

L. Lazarek, B. Greenman, M. Felleisen and C. Dimoulas. How to Evaluate Blame for Gradual Types ICFP 2021.

S.-H. You, R.B. Findler and C. Dimoulas. Sound and Complete Concolic Testing for Higher-Order Functions. ESOP 2021.

L. Lazarek, A. King, S. Sundar, R.B. Findler and C. Dimoulas. Does Blame Shifting Work? POPL 2020.

E. Zigmond, S. Chong, C. Dimoulas, and S. Moore. Fine-Grained, Language-Based Access Control for Database-Backed Applications. 2020.

B. Greenman, M. Felleisen, and C. Dimoulas. Complete Monitors for Gradual Types. OOPSLA 2019.