Faculty DirectoryAhmad Hadavi

Clinical Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Deputy Director of the Master of Project Management Program
2145 Sheridan RoadTech A112
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
847-467-3219Email Ahmad Hadavi
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Master of Project Management Program
Executive Management for Design and Construction Program
Ph.D., Northwestern University, Civil Engineering
M.B.A., Harvard-affiliated Iran Center for Management Studies, Tehran, Iran
B.S., Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, Civil Engineering
Research Interests
Metaverse; VR/AR/MR in AEC; Construction Methods and Innovations; Lean Construction; International Construction; Productivity Improvement; Construction Project Control.
Courses Taught
- CIV_ENV 336 Project Scheduling
- CIV_ENV 435 Cost Engineering and Control
Significant Professional Service
- ABET PEV for EAC: Civil Engineering programs at San Francisco State University, Marquette University, and SUNY Polytechnic Institute
- ABET PEV for ANSAC: Construction Management program at the University of New Mexico
- ACCET Accreditation Panel Member for Abha College of Technology, Saudi Petroleum Services Polytechnic, Unaizah College of Technology, Saudi Arabia
- Paper reviews for the following Journals: ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering, Journal of Construction Management and Economics,International Journal of Project Organization and Management
- Reviewed five textbooks for initial publication or second edition
- Taught continuing education sessions of American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)
- Session chair and conference paper reviewer: "Managing Construction for Tomorrow International Conference," Istanbul, Turkey
- NSF Review Panel for Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) program
- NSF Review Panel for Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (TUES) program
Selected Publications
"Leveraging AI to Enhance XR in the AEC Industry," In Proceedings of the International Conference of Smart and Sustainable Built Environment (SASBE 2024), Auckland, New Zealand, (with Alizadehsalehi, S.)
"Integrating the Last Planner System and Metaverse," July 2024, In Proceedings of the Creative Construction Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, (with Alizadehsalehi, S.)
"From BIM to Metaverse in AEC industry," April 2024, Journal of Automation in Construction, Volume 160, 105248 (with Alizadehsalehi, S.)
"Metaverse for AEC: A SWOT Analysis," In 2023 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Corvallis, OR (with Alizadehsalehi, S.).
“Synergies of Lean, BIM, and Extended Reality (LBX) for Project Delivery Management: Framework, Applications, and Challenges,” 2023, Sustainability, 15(6), 4969 (with Alizadehsalehi, S.).
“Assessment of AEC Students’ Performance using BIM-into-VR,” April 2021, Applied Sciences, Volume 11, Issue 7, 3225 (with Alizadehsalehi, S. and Huang, J. C.).
“From BIM to extended reality in AEC industry,” August 2020, Journal of Automation in Construction, Volume 116, 103254 (with Alizadehsalehi, S. and Huang, J. C.).
“BIM/MR-Lean Construction Project Delivery Management System,” June 2019, 2019 IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Conference, TEMSCON 2019. Atlanta, GA (with Alizadehsalehi, S. and Huang, J. C.).
“Virtual Reality for Design and Construction Education Environment,” April 2019, Proceedings of the Architectural Engineering National Conference 2019 (with Alizadehsalehi, S. and Huang, J. C.).