Faculty DirectoryJunsoo Kim

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
2137 Tech DrCatalysis Center 326
Evanston, IL 60208
Email Junsoo Kim
PhD, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
MS, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
BS, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
Research Interests
Our mission in the Soft Matter Mechanics Lab is to (1) understand mechanics in soft materials, (2) identify the theoretical limits of the mechanical properties, and (3) design the molecular structure to approach the limit. A deeper understanding of soft materials with extraordinary material properties will innovate diverse fields such as polymer pollution, robotics, human-machine interfaces, and biomedical devices.
Significant Recognition
- The 9th Hanwha Non-Tenure Faculty Award, Hanwha Group (2023)
- Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellow, National Academy of Sciences (2023)
- Scialog Fellow, Research Corporation for Science Advancement (2023)
- Scholarship, The Kwanjeong Educational Foundation (2017-2022)
- Best new researcher, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (2017)
- Scholarship for graduate student, Ilun Science and Technology Foundation (2013-2014)
- National Scholarship for Science and Engineering, Korea (2007)
Selected Publications
J. Steck*, J. Kim*, Y. Kutsovsky†, Z. Suo†, "Multiscale stress deconcentration amplifies fatigue resistance of rubber", Nature, 624, 303-308 (2023)
G. Nian*, J. Kim*, X. Bao, Z. Suo†, "Making Highly Elastic and Tough Hydrogels from Doughs", Advanced Materials, 34(50), 2206577 (2022)
J. Kim, T. Yin, Z. Suo†, “Polyacrylamide hydrogels. V. Some strands in a polymer network bear loads, but all strands contribute to swelling", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 168, 105017 (2022)
G. Zhang*, J. Kim*, S. Hassan, Z. Suo†, “Self-assembled nanocomposites of high water content and load-bearing capacity", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(32), e2203962119 (2022)
S. Hassan*, J. Kim*, Z. Suo†, “Polyacrylamide hydrogels. IV. Near-perfect elasticity and rate-dependent toughness", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 158, 104675 (2021)
J. Kim*, G. Zhang*, M. Shi, Z. Suo†, “Fracture, fatigue, and friction of polymers in which entanglements greatly outnumber cross-links", Science, 374(6564), 212-216 (2021)
J. Kim, S. Im, J. H. Kim, S. M. Kim, S.‐M. Lee, J. Lee, J. P. Im, J. Woo, S. E. Moon†, “Artificial Perspiration Membrane by Programmed Deformation of Thermoresponsive Hydrogels", Advanced Materials, 32(6), 1905901 (2019)
J. Kim, Y. Wang, H. Park, M. C. Park, S. E. Moon, S. M. Hong, C. M. Koo, K.-Y. Suh, S. Yang and H. Cho†, “Nonlinear Frameworks for Reversible and Pluripotent Wetting on Topographic Surfaces”, Advanced Materials, 29(7), 1605078 (2016)
H. Cho*, J. Kim*, H. Park*, J. W. Bang, M. S. Hyun, Y. Bae, L. Ha, S. M. Kang, T. J. Park, S. Seo†, M. Choi†, and K.-Y. Suh, “Replication of flexible polymer membranes with geometry-controllable nano-apertures via a hierarchical mould-based dewetting”, Nature Communications, 5, 3137 (2014)
Prof. Junsoo Kim is interested in teaching solid mechanics and thermodynamics at the undergraduate level, as well as fracture mechanics and mechanics of soft materials at graduate level.