Faculty Directory
Sanjay Mehrotra

Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences

Director, Center for Engineering Health


2145 Sheridan Road
Tech C246
Evanston, IL 60208-3109

Email Sanjay Mehrotra


Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences


Master of Science in Machine Learning and Data Science Program

Download CV


PhD Operations Research, Columbia University, New York, NY

MS Industrial Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY

BE Industrial Engineering, University of Roorkee, India

Research Interests

Sanjay Mehrotra develops methods for decision optimization under uncertainty by studying the geometric and algebraic properties of these problems. He is passionate about applied research problems in Health Systems Engineering. However, the breadth of his expertise has allowed him to significantly contribute to applied areas of Energy, Inventory, and Financial Budgeting management. His research brings a balance of mathematical rigor and its applicability in practice. Professor Mehrotra has developed ground-breaking results in establishing methodological convergence of two-stage stochastic optimization, allowing solutions to previously intractable problems. He has also established fundamental results in taking a novel approach to quantify the convergence metrics associated with stochastic systems that can be described as Markov Chains. He has pioneered efforts in the area of Risk-Adjusted and distributionally robust optimization. His healthcare systems engineering work includes modeling the US National Transplant System, where he has made significant contributions. His current work also focuses on liver disease and pandemic modeling.

He is the founding director of the Center for Engineering and Health in the Institute for Public Health and Medicine at Northwestern University. Professor Mehrotra has chaired the Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS) Fellow Committee and has also served on the INFORMS board.


Selected Publications

  1. Shanshan Wang, Sanjay Mehrotra, and Chun Peng (2024), “Robust concave utility maximization over chance constraints,” European Journal of Operational Research, 321 (3), 800-813.
  2. Jian Hu, Jun Xuan and Sanjay Mehrotra (2019), “A Data Driven Functionally Robust Approach for Simultaneous Pricing and Order Quantity Decisions with Unknown Demand Function,” Operations Research, 67(6), 1564-1585.
  3. Shanshan Wang, Jinlin Li, and Sanjay Mehrotra (2022), “A Solution Approach to Distributionally Robust Chance-Constrained Assignment Problems,” INFORMS Journal on Optimization, 4(2),
  4. Fengqiao Luo and Sanjay Mehrotra (2022), “A Decomposition Algorithm for Distributionally-Robust Two-stage Stochastic Mixed-integer Cone Programs”, Mathematical Programming, 196, 673-717
  5. Hasjim BJ, Huang AA, Paukner M. Polineni P, Harris A, Mohammadi M, Kershaw KN, Banea T, Van Wagner L, Zhao L, Mehrotra S, Ladner DP (2024), “Where You Live Matters: Area Deprivation Predicts Poor Survival and Liver Transplant Waitlisting”, American Journal of Transplantation, 24(5), 803-817.