Faculty DirectoryOmid Nohadani

Adjunct Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences
2145 Sheridan RoadTech D235
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
Email Omid Nohadani
Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences
Postdoc in Operations Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA
Ph.D. in Physics, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Diploma in Physics, University of Bonn, Germany
Selected Publications
C. Bandi, E. Han, and O. Nohadani. Sustainable Inventory with Robust Periodic-Affine Policies and Application to Medical Supply Chains, to appear in Management Sciene (2018), [arXiv].
D. Bertsimas and O. Nohadani. Robust Maximum Likelihood Estimation, to appear in INFORMS Journal on Computing (2018).
O. Nohadani, K. Sharma. Optimization under Decision-Dependent Uncertainty,SIAM Journal on Optimization, <b<28< b="">(2), 1773–1795 (2018)</b<28<>, [arXiv].
J. Unkelbach, M. Alber, M. Bangert, R. Bokrantz, T. Chan, J. Deasy, A. Fredriksson, B. Gorissen, M. van Herk, W. Liu, H. Mahmoudzadeh, O. Nohadani, J. Siebers, M. Witte, and H. Xu. Robust Radiotherapy Planning, Physics in Medicine and Biology, (2018).
M. Ehrgott, A. Holder, and O. Nohadani. Uncertain Data Envelopment Analysis,European Journal of Operational Research, 268(1), 231-242 (2018).
O. Nohadani and A. Roy. Robust Optimization with Time-Dependent Uncertainty in Radiation Therapy Planning, IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 7(2), 81-92 (2017).
A. Roy, I.J. Das, O. Nohadani. On Correlations in IMRT Planning Aims, Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 17(6), 44-50 (2016).
O. Nohadani, J. Dunn, G. Klimeck. Categorizing Users of Cloud Services, INFORMS Service Science, 8(1), 59-70 (2016).
D. Bertsimas, V. Cacchiani, D. Craft, O. Nohadani. A hybrid approach to beam angle optimization in intensity-modulated radiation therapy, Computers & Operations Research, 40(9) 2187–2197 (2013).
S. Nof, G. Cheng, A. Weiner, et. al. Laser and Photonic Systems Integration: Emerging Innovations and Framework for Research and Education, Human Factors & Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 23 483-516 (2013).
J. Birge, F. Kärtner, O. Nohadani. Improving thin film manufacturing yield with robust optimization, Applied Optics, 50(9) C36-C40 (2011).
O. Nohadani, J. Seco, T. Bortfeld. Motion management with phase–adapted 4D–optimization, Physics in Medicine and Biology 55, 5189-5202, (2010).*
O. Nohadani, T. Bortfeld. The continuum of 3D to 4D treatment delivery, Proc. of XVI-th ICCR, Amsterdam (2010).
D. Bertsimas, O. Nohadani. Robust Optimization with Simulated Annealing, Journal of Global Optimization 48, 2, 323 (2010).
J. Birge, F. Kärtner, O. Nohadani. Designing Coatings in the Presence of Manufacturing Errors, Optical Interference Coatings, TuA2 (2010).
D. Bertsimas, K.M. Teo, O. Nohadani. Nonconvex robust optimization for problems with constraints, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 22 44-58 (2010).
D. Bertsimas, K.M. Teo, O. Nohadani. Robust nonconvex optimization for simulation-based problems, Operations Research, 58 (1): 161. (2010).
O. Nohadani, J. Seco, B. Martin, T. Bortfeld. Dosimetry Robustness with Stochastic Optimization, Physics in Medicine and Biology 54 3421-3432 (2009).
O. Nohadani, J. Birge, F. Kärtner, D. Bertsimas. Robust Chirped Mirrors, Applied Optics 47 2630-2636 (2008).
D. Bertsimas, K.M. Teo, O. Nohadani. Robust optimization in electromagnetic scattering problems, Journal of Applied Physics 101, 074507 (2007).
Y. Chen, R. Yu, W. Li, O. Nohadani, S. Haas, A.F.J. Levi. Adaptive design of nano-scale dielectric structures for photonics, Journal of Applied Physics 94 (9), 6065 (2003).
R. Yu, O. Nohadani, S. Haas, T. Roscilde. Magnetic Bose glass phases of coupled antiferromagnetic dimers with site dilution, Physical Review B 82, 134437 (2010).
O. Nohadani, S. Wessel, S. Haas. Bose-Glass phases in disordered quantum magnets, Physical Review Letters 95, 227201 (2005).
O. Nohadani, S. Wessel, S. Haas. Quantum phase transitions in coupled dimer compounds, Physical Review B 72, 024440 (2005).
O. Nohadani, S. Wessel, B. Normand, S. Haas. Universal scaling at field-induced magnetic phase transitions, Physical Review B 69, 220402(R) (2004).
B. Normand, M. Matsumoto, O. Nohadani, S. Wessel, S. Haas, T.M. Rice, M. Sigrist.Pressure- and field-induced manetic quantum phase transitions in TlCuCl3, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16, No 11, S867-S873 (2004).
W. Schadow, O. Nohadani, W. Sandhas. Photonuclear Reactions of Three-Nucleon Systems, Physical Review C 63, 044006 (2001).