Faculty Directory
Miklos Racz

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Assistant Professor of Statistics


2233 Tech Drive
Evanston, IL 60208-3109


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Computer Science

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Research Interests

My research interests lie broadly at the interface of probability, statistics, computer science, and information theory, with a focus on combinatorial statistics, discrete probability, and applied probability. The bulk of my work studies statistical inference questions on large random discrete structures such as random graphs. These include inferring the past in randomly growing graphs, inferring latent geometry in high-dimensional random geometric graphs, graph matching problems in correlated random graphs, and community detection. I am also interested in, and have worked on, social networks, dynamics on networks, voting, sequence reconstruction, and DNA data storage.

Selected Publications

Average-case and smoothed analysis of graph isomorphism

Julia Gaudio, Miklos Z. Racz, Anirudh Sridhar

Annals of Applied Probability, to appear, 2025.

Harnessing Multiple Correlated Networks for Exact Community Recovery

Miklos Z. Racz, Jifan Zhang

Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2024.

Efficient Graph Matching for Correlated Stochastic Block Models

Shuwen Chai, Miklos Z. Racz

Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2024.

Matching Correlated Inhomogeneous Random Graphs using the k-core Estimator

Miklos Z. Racz, Anirudh Sridhar

IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2023.

A probabilistic view of latent space graphs and phase transitions

Suqi Liu, Miklos Z. Racz

Bernoulli, 29(3):2417--2441, 2023.

Phase transition in noisy high-dimensional random geometric graphs

Suqi Liu, Miklos Z. Racz

Electronic Journal of Statistics, 17(2):3512--3574, 2023.

Exact Community Recovery in Correlated Stochastic Block Models

Julia Gaudio, Miklos Z. Racz, Anirudh Sridhar

Conference on Learning Theory (COLT), 2022.

Correlated randomly growing graphs

Miklos Z. Racz, Anirudh Sridhar

Annals of Applied Probability, 32(2):1058--1111, 2022.

Batch Optimization for DNA Synthesis

Konstantin Makarychev, Miklos Z. Racz, Cyrus Rashtchian, Sergey Yekhanin

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 68(11):7454--7470, 2022.

Correlated Stochastic Block Models: Exact Graph Matching with Applications to Recovering Communities

Miklos Z. Racz, Anirudh Sridhar

Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021.

Reconstructing Trees from Traces

Sami Davies, Miklos Z. Racz, Cyrus Rashtchian

Annals of Applied Probability, 31(6): 2772--2810, 2021.