Faculty DirectoryManijeh Razeghi

Walter P. Murphy Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Director, Center for Quantum Devices
2220 Campus DriveCook Hall 4051
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
847-491-7251Email Manijeh Razeghi
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Docteur d'État ès Sciences Physiques, Université de Paris, Paris, France
Docteur 3ème Cycle Solid State Physics, Université de Paris, Paris, France
DEA Science des Matériaux, Université de Paris, Paris, France
Research Interests
Since its founding in 1992, the Center for Quantum Devices at Northwestern University has evolved from only a mere vision into a concrete world-class research laboratory, with the mission to pursue academic excellence and high-level research in compound Quantum semiconductor science and nanotechnology.
Advancing the frontiers in this cutting-edge scientific field is an exciting and challenging adventure, for which the Center has assembled a strong team of graduate and undergraduate students, research scientists and professors with diverse backgrounds, working within the Center's unique state-of-the-art research facility. The creativity and ingenuity of this strong team has proved successful in solving the many scientific issues encountered on a daily basis, achieving a number of breakthroughs and staying ahead of competition. At the same time, as an integral part of a high-level educational institution, the Center has been educating and training future leaders for both academia and industry.
The scientific research has involved developing an understanding of the physics of new semiconductor crystals for novel applications and realizing advanced semiconductor Quantum devices such as lasers, photodetectors, transistors, waveguides and switches. This entails a multidisciplinary combination of solid state physics, quantum mechanics, electrical, mechanical and chemical engineering and materials science, as well as a strong collaborative effort between Academia, Industry, and National Laboratories. A strong testimony of the success of this endeavor has been the consistent support of several industrial corporations and government agencies from the Department of Defense to push forward the science and nanotechnology of compound semiconductor optoelectronic and quantum devices at the Center.
The research activity involves a wide range of challenging scientific topics, including Ultraviolet and visible devices based on III-Nitride semiconductors, aluminum-free InGaAsP/GaAs lasers emitting at 980 nm and 808 nm, antimony based high power 3-5 μm lasers, uncooled infrared (3-16 μm) quantum cascade lasers, quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIP), Type-II superlattice based infrared detectors, the development of uncooled InAsSb photodetector technology, InTlAsBiSb detector technology, self assembled quantum dot devices, and nanotechnology using electron-beam lithography. In all these fields, the Center's research work has been the world's first or best, and has resulted in 725 publications, 20 books and 34 book chapters, 667 conference presentations, lectures, plenary and invited talks, and organization of international conferences. In addition, 60 patents have been awarded or are currently pending, and 152 prestigious recognition awards have been bestowed upon Center members.
Selected Publications
- Slivken, Steven; Shrestha, Nirajman; Razeghi, Manijeh, Development of high power, InP-based quantum cascade lasers on alternative epitaxial platforms, SPIE (2024).
- Rogers, D. J.; Sandana, V. E.; Teherani, F. Hosseini; Razeghi, M., Comparison of PLD-Grown p-NiO/n-Ga2O3 Heterojunctions on Bulk Single Crystal β-Ga2O3 and r-plane Sapphire Substrates, SPIE (2024).
- Rogers, D. J.; Maroutian, T.; Sandana, V. E.; Lecoeur, P.; Teherani, F. H.; Bove, P.; Razeghi, M., Use of Yttria-Stabilised Zirconia Substrates for Zinc Oxide Mediated Epitaxial Lift-off of Superior Yttria-Stabilised Zirconia Thin Films, SPIE (2024).
- Shrestha, Nirajman; Lee, Jun hee; Teherani, F. H.; Razeghi, Manijeh, III-Nitride/Ga2O3 Heterostructure for Future Power Electronics, SPIE (2024).
- Slivken, Steven; Razeghi, Manijeh, Room Temperature, Continuous Wave Quantum Cascade Laser Grown Directly on a Si Wafer, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics (2023).
- Lee, Junhee; Gautam, Lakshay; Teherani, Ferechteh H.; Sandana, Eric V.; Bove, Philippe; Rogers, David J.; Razeghi, Manijeh, Investigation of Enhanced Heteroepitaxy and Electrical Properties in κ-Ga2O3 Due to Interfacing with β-Ga2O3 Template Layers, Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science (2023).
- Slivken, Steven; Razeghi, Manijeh, High Power, Room Temperature InP-Based Quantum Cascade Laser Grown on Si, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics (2022).
- Wang, Feihu; Qi, Xiaoqiong; Chen, Zhichao; Razeghi, Manijeh; Dhillon, Sukhdeep, Ultrafast Pulse Generation from Quantum Cascade Lasers, Micromachines (2022).