Faculty DirectoryJeffrey Richards

Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering
2145 Sheridan RoadTech E166
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
847-467-4641Email Jeffrey Richards
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle WA - 2014
M.S. Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle WA - 2011
B.S. Chemical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette IN - 2008
Research Interests
The Richards laboratory seeks to develop relationships linking the microscopic structure of multicomponent soft materials to their macroscopic properties. We are interested in exploiting these relationships to develop new materials that facilitate the generation, storage and transport of electrical charge and energy. These materials form the basis of emerging technologies that address challenges associated with the transition to a renewable energy driven infrastructure.
Selected Publications
- Hipp, Julie B.; Ramos, Paolo Z.; Liu, Qingsong; Wagner, Norman J.; Richards, Jeffrey J., Quantifying electron transport in aggregated colloidal suspensions in the strong flow regime, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2024).
- Richards, Jeffrey J.; Ramos, Paolo Z.; Liu, Qingsong, A review of the shear rheology of carbon black suspensions, Frontiers in Physics (2023).
- Brucks, Matthew David; Arslanova, Alina; Smith, Caroline Bridget; Richards, Jeffrey John, Electroless Deposition of Silver onto Silica Nanoparticles to Produce Lipophilic Core-Shell Nanoparticles, Journal of Colloid And Interface Science (2023).
- Ramos, Paolo Z.; Sarmah, Anubhav; Green, Micah J.; Richards, Jeffrey J., In situ investigation of the rheological and dielectric properties of a cross-linking carbon nanotube-thermosetting epoxy, Soft Matter (2023).
- Liu, Qingsong; Richards, Jeffrey J., Rheo-electric measurements of carbon black suspensions containing polyvinylidene difluoride in N -methyl-2-pyrrolidone, Journal of Rheology (2023).
- Ramos, Paolo Zapanta; Call, Connor Clayton; Simitz, Lauren Virginia; Richards, Jeffrey John, Evaluating the Rheo-electric Performance of Aqueous Suspensions of Oxidized Carbon Black, Journal of Colloid And Interface Science (2023).
- Lin, Han; Blackwell, Brendan C.; Call, Connor C.; Liu, Shanliangzi; Liu, Claire; Driscoll, Michelle M.; Richards, Jeffrey J., FSVPy, Journal of Rheology (2023).
- Griffith, Justin E.; Chen, Yusu; Liu, Qingsong; Wang, Qifeng; Richards, Jeffrey J.; Tullman-Ercek, Danielle; Shull, Kenneth R.; Wang, Muzhou, Quantitative high-throughput measurement of bulk mechanical properties using commonly available equipment, Materials Horizons (2022).