Faculty DirectoryDavid Seidman

Walter P. Murphy Professor Emeritus of Materials Science and Engineering
Founding Director of the Northwestern University Center for Atom-Probe Tomography (NUCAPT)
2220 Campus DriveCook Hall 2036; Office - Cook 1013A
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
Email David Seidman
Materials Science and Engineering
Ph.D. Physical Metallurgy and Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana, Champaign, IL
M.S. Physical Metallurgy, New York University, New York, NY
B.S. Physical Metallurgy and Physics, New York University, New York, NY
Significant Recognition
- 2020 Microscopy Society of America (MSA) recipient of the Society’s “Distinguished Scientist - Physical for 2020”
- 2019 Microanalysis Society (MAS), “Peter Duncumb Award for excellence in microanalysis"
- 2019 A. Frank Golick Lecturer, two invited lectures, Missouri University of Science & Technology, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, March 20th & 21st, 2019
- 2019 ASM Gold Medal
- 2018 Member National Academy of Engineering
- 2016 Fellow of the Inaugural Class, International Field Emission Society (for atom-probe tomography)
- 2015 ASM International Edward DeMille Campbell Memorial Lectureship
- 2014 Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science
- 2014 Honorary Member of AIME, nominated by the TMS (Minerals•Metals•Materials)
- 2012-2013 Sackler Lecturer 2012-2013 of the Mortimer and Raymond Sackler Institute of Advanced Studies, Tel-Aviv University
- 2012 Fellow of Microscopy Society of America
- 2011 TMS (Minerals•Metals•Materials) Institute of Metals Lecture and the Robert Franklin Mehl Award for 2011
- 2010 Fellow American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- 2010 Fellow Materials Research Society
- 2010-2011 IBM Faculty Award
- 2009 Structural Materials Division Symposium: Advanced Characterization and Modeling of Phase Transformations in Metals in Honor of David N. Seidman: TMS (Minerals•Metals•Materials) 2009 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California; February 15th to 19th, 2009
- 2008 David Turnbull Lecturer Award, Materials Research Society. Awarded on December 3rd, 2008: Boston MRS Fall meeting
- 2006 Albert Sauveur Achievement Award, ASM International
- 2005 Fellow of ASM International
- 2004-2006 Co-Editor, Journal of Materials Science (Springer Publishers)
- 2002-2004 Editor-in-Chief, Interface Science (Kluwer Academic Publishers)
- 2001-2003 National Science Foundation Creativity Extension Award
- 2000-2002 President, International Field Emission Society
- 2000 Microscopy of Society of America award for Best Materials Papers appearing in Microscopy and Microanalysis, see publication numbers 218 and 219.
- 1997 Fellow of the TMS (Minerals•Metals•Materials)
- 1996 Walter P. Murphy Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Northwestern University
- 1993 Max Planck Research Prize of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft and the Alexander
- 1993-2002 Special Editions Editor and member of the Editorial Board of Interface Science
- 1988 Teacher of the Year Award, Materials Science & Engineering Dept., Northwestern University
- 1988 & 1992 Alexander Von Humboldt Stiftung Prize
- 1984 Fellow of the American Physical Society, Division of Condensed Matter Physics
- 1982 Chairman of the Physical Metallurgy Gordon Conference on the special topic of interfacial segregation
- 1982 Member of the Böhmische Physical Society
- 1980-1981 Lady Davis Visiting Professorship, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- 1980-1981 Fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
- 1968-1977 MITRE evaluative study of Materials Research Laboratory Programs (MTR 7764) rated my research program for the years 1968-1977 among the top twenty most
- 1978 Lady Davis Visiting Professorship, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- 1972-1973 Fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
- 1966 Robert Lansing Hardy Gold Medal of the American Institute of Mettalurgical Engineers [now the TMS]
- 1959 Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honor Society, New York University
- 1959 Alpha Sigma Mu, Metallurgy Honor Society, New York University
Significant Professional Service
- 2013 Member of the International Advisory Board of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Tel Aviv University
- 2012- Advisory board of Materials Research Letters (Taylor & Francis Publishers)
- 2012- Member of the scientific advisory board of NANO Science and NANO Technology series (World Scientific Publishers)
- 2011- Advisory Editor for Materials Today
- 2010-2012 Co-Editor of a volume of Annual Review of Materials Research with Professors Manfred Ruehle and David Clarke on the subject of 3-D tomography of materials
- 2011 Chair of the Albert Sauveur Achievement Award Selection Committee of ASM International
- 2010- Member, Materials Research Society Awards Committee 2010, and David Turnbull Lecturer Award Committee, Materials Research Society
- 2010 Vice Chair of the Albert Sauveur Achievement Award Selection Committee of ASM International
- 2010 Visiting Professor Tel Aviv University, 13-28 December 2010 under Northwestern University-Tel Aviv Program sponsored by the National Science Foundation
- 2009- Principal Editor of NanoLIFE , www.worldscinet.com/nl
- 2009-2012 Member of ASM International 2009 Albert Sauveur Achievement Award Selection Committee
Selected Publications
1. N. Nagasako, R. Asahi, D. Isheim, D. N. Seidman, S. Kuramoto and T. Furuta, “Theoretical and Experimental Verifications of Dislocation-Free Deformation Mechanism in Gum-Metal Alloys,” Acta Materialia, 105, 347–354 (2016).
2. K. Hono, D. Raabe, S. P. Ringer, D. N. Seidman, “Atom-Probe Tomography of Metallic Nanostructures,” MRS Bulletin, 41(1), 23-29 (2016).
3. O. N. Senkov, D. Isheim, D. N. Seidman, A. L. Pilchak, “Development of a Refractory High-Entropy Superalloy,” Entropy, 18, 102- (2016).
4. O. Moutanabbir, D. Isheim, Z. Mao, D. N. Seidman, “Evidence of Sub-10 nm Aluminum-Oxygen Precipitates in Silicon Epitaxial Layer," Nanotechnology, 27(20), 205706-205712 (2016).
5. M. J. Pellin, A. M. Yacout, K. Mo, J. Almer, S. Bhattacharya, W. Mohamed,, D. N. Seidman, B. Ye, D. Yun, R. Xu, S. Zhu, “MeV per Nucleon Ion Irradiation of Nuclear Materials with High Energy Synchrotron X-ray Characterization,” Journal of Nuclear Materials, 471, 266-271(2016).
6. Y. Huang, Z. Mao, R. D. Noebe, D. N. Seidman, “The Effects of Refractory Elements (Re, Ru, W and T) on Ni Excesses and Depletions at γ'/γ Interfaces in Ni-based Superalloys: Atom-Probe Tomographic Experiments and First-Principles Calculations,” Acta Materialia, 121, 288-298(2016).
12. A. Biswas, D. Sen,S. Kumar Sarkar,Sarita, S. Mazumder,and D. N. Seidman, “Temporal Evolution of Coherent Precipitates in an Aluminum Alloy W319: A Correlative Single-Crystal SAXS, TEM and Atom-Probe Tomography Studies, Acta Materialia 116, 219-230 (2016).
13. Mukherjee, H. Watanabe, D. Isheim, D. N. Seidman, and O. Moutanabbir, “Laser-Assisted Field Evaporation and Three-Dimensional Atom-by-Atom Mapping of Diamond Isotopic Homojunctions,” Nano Letters16, 1335-1344 (2016).
14. Z. Sun, O. Hazut, B.-C. Huang, Y.-P. Chiu, C.-S. Chang, R. Yerushalmi, L. J. Lauhon, D. N. Seidman, “Dopant Diffusion and Activation in Silicon Nanowires Fabricated by ex situ Doping: A Correlative Study via Atom-Probe Tomography and Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy,” Nano Letters 16, 4490-4500 (2016).
15. P. J. Bocchini, C. K. Sudbrack, R. D. Noebe, D. C. Dunand, D. N. Seidman, “Microstructure and Creep Properties of Boron- and Zirconium-Containing Cobalt-based Superalloys, Materials Science and Engineering A, 682, 260-269 (2017).
16. J. D. Lin, P. Okle, D. C. Dunand, D. N. Seidman, “Effects of Sb Micro-Alloying on Precipitate Evolution and Mechanical Properties of a Dilute Al-Sc-Zr Alloy,” Materials Science and Engineering A, 680, 64-74 (2017).
17. J. A. Coakley, E. A. Lass, D. Ma, M. Frost, H. J. Stone, D. N. Seidman, D. C. Dunand, “Lattice Parameter Misfit Evolution During Creep of a Cobalt-Based Superalloy Single-Crystal with Cuboidal and Gamma-Prime Microstructures,” Acta Materialia, 136, 118-125 (2017).
18. D. Jain, D. Isheim, X. J. Zhang, G. Ghosh, and D. N. Seidman “Thermally Stable Ni-Rich Austenite Formed Utilizing Multistep Intercritical Heat-Treatments in a Low-Carbon 10 wt. % Ni Martensitic Steel,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 48A(8), 3642-3654 (2017).
19. P. J. Bocchini, C. K. Sudbrack, R. D. Noebe, D. N. Seidman,, D. C. Dunand, “Effects of Ti Substitutions for Al and W in Co-10Ni-9Al-9W (at. %) Superalloys,” Materials Science and Engineering: A, 705, 122-132 (2017).
20. Z. Sun, O. Hazut, R. Yerushalmi, L. J. Lauhon, D. N. Seidman, “Criteria and Considerations for Preparing Atom-Probe Tomography Specimens of Nanomaterials Using an Encapsulation Methodology, Ultramicroscopy, 184, 225-233 (2018).