Faculty DirectorySara Owsley Sood

Professor of Instruction
Chookaszian Family Teaching Professor
Associate Chair for Undergraduate Education
2145 Sheridan RoadTech Room L376
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
Email Sara Owsley Sood
Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence
Research Interests
My work is focused on understanding the expression and impact of emotion in online communication. To this end, my recent work has been on systems to detect and analyze insults, profanity and personal attacks in online forums with a recent focus on the impact of anonymity on online communities. My work in the space of sentiment analysis has led me to explore a series of other related challenges including domain specificity and sentiment analysis through many models of emotion beyond positive/negative/neutral classification.
Significant Recognition
- 2019 Cole-Higgins Awards for Excellence in Teaching
- 2019 University Teaching Awards - Charles Deering McCormick Distinguished Professor of Instruction Award
- 2010 Pomona College Wig Distinguished Professor Award for Excellence in Teaching