Faculty DirectoryVincent St-Amour

Associate Professor of Instruction
2145 Sheridan RoadTech Room L366
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
Email Vincent St-Amour
B.S. in Computer Science;Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec; 2009
Research Interests
Programming tools, compilers, language and library building, extensible languages.
Most of my work is done in the context of the Racket language and ecosystem.
Most of my code is either on Github, in the Racket codebase or on the Racket package catalog.
Selected Publications
- Feltey, Daniel; Greenman, Ben; Scholliers, Christophe; Findler, Robert; St Amour, Vincent, Collapsible Contracts, (2018).
- Andersen, Leif; St Amour, Vincent; Vitek, Jan; Felleisen, Matthias, Feature-specific profiling, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 41(1) (2018).
- Florence, Spencer P.; Fetscher, Burke; Flatt, Matthew; Temps, William H.; St Amour, Vincent; Kiguradze, Tina; West, Dennis P; Niznik, Charlotte; Yarnold, Paul R.; Findler, Robert; Belknap, Steven M, POP-PL, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 40(3) (2018).
- Deiana, Enrico A.; St Amour, Vincent; Dinda, Peter A; Hardavellas, Nikos; Campanoni, Simone, Unconventional parallelization of nondeterministic applications, Association for Computing Machinery:432-447 (2018).
- St Amour, Vincent; Feltey, Daniel; Florence, Spencer P.; You, Shu-Hung; Findler, Robert, Herbarium Racketensis, ACM (2017).
- Deiana, Enrico Armenio; St-Amour, Vincent; Dinda, Peter; Hardavellas, Nikos; Campanoni, Simone, POSTER, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.:136-137 (2017).
- Tobin-Hochstadt, Sam; Felleisen, Matthias; Findler, Robert; Flatt, Matthew; Greenman, Ben; Kent, Andrew M.; St Amour, Vincent; Strickland, T. Stephen; Takikawa, Asumu, Migratory typing, Schloss Dagstuhl- Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl Publishing (2017).