Faculty DirectorySamuel Stupp

Board of Trustees Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Chemistry, Medicine and Biomedical Engineering and (by courtesy) Biomedical Engineering
Director, Center for Regenerative Nanomedicine
Director, Center for Bio-Inspired Energy Science
2220 Campus DriveCook Hall 2036; Office - Cook 1127
Evanston, IL 60208
Email Samuel Stupp
Center for Regenerative Nanomedicine
Center for Bio-Inspired Energy Science
Materials Science and Engineering
Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
B.S. Chemistry, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Research Interests
Research in the Stupp group integrates chemistry with materials science, biology, and medicine. The overarching interest of the group is the development of self-assembling organic materials, focusing on functions relevant to energy and medicine. In the area of energy science, the laboratory’s interests include materials for solar photovoltaics, catalytic materials that can synthesize solar fuels, supramolecular ferroelectrics for non-volatile memories, and artificial muscle materials for inter-conversion of chemical and mechanical energy. In the area of medicine, the Stupp laboratory focuses on biomaterials for regenerative medicine of the brain, spinal cord, bone, cartilage and muscle, and also on targeted systemic drug delivery using nanostructures for cancer and cardiovascular applications. The organic structures of interest in both areas include visible-light-absorbing chromophores, organometallic catalysts, electron donors and acceptors, DNA, peptides, glycopeptides, and polymers, among others. The group is organized into three subgroups that meet weekly to discuss progress: Energy Materials, Biomaterials, and Supramolecular Self-Assembly. Research activities include molecular synthesis and characterization of structure with a broad suite of microscopies and synchrotron X-ray scattering, measurement of materials properties, computer simulations, construction of solar cells and other electronic devices, molecular and cell biology, and in vivo studies of the efficacy of materials and nanostructures in biomedical applications.
Significant Recognition
- Member, National Academy of Sciences (2020)
- Nanoscience Prize, International Society for Nanoscale Science, Computation, and Engineering (2020)
- Listed in Top 1% Highly Cited Researchers, Web of Science Group (2019)
- Fellow, National Academy of Inventors (2018)
- Most Cited Researchers in Materials Science & Engineering, Elsevier Scopus Data (2016)
- Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry (2016)
- Royal Society of Chemistry Soft Matter and Biophysical Chemistry Award (2016)
- Elected to American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering College of Fellows (2016)
- Member, Royal Spanish Academy of Engineering (2015)
- Visiting Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2015)
- Thomson Reuters The World's Most Influential Scientific Minds (2014)
- International Award, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan (2014)
- President, International Scientific Committee of the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, Spain (2014)
- Distinguished Visiting Scientist of the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore (2014)
- Distinguished Visiting Professor of Biochemistry, University of Hong Kong (2014)
- Creation of the Samuel I. Stupp Prize in Nanotechnology by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Costa Rica (2013)
- Honorary Doctorate from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden Medical School (2013)
- Australian Centre for Nanomedicine Annual Visiting Professorship (2013)
- American Chemical Society Ronald Breslow Award for Achievement in Biomimetic Chemistry (2012)
- Member, National Academy of Engineering (2012)
- Member, Royal Spanish Academy of Pharmacy (2012)
- Honorary Doctorate, National University of Costa Rica (2011)
- Thomson Reuters Top 100 Chemists for 2000-2010 (2011)
- Fellow, Materials Research Society (2009)
- Distinguished Professorship, Eindhoven University of Technology (2009)
- Israel Pollack Distinguished Lecture Series Award, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (2009)
- Honorary Doctorate for Revolutionary Research in Complex Molecular Systems, Eindhoven University of Technology (2009)
- American Chemical Society Award in Polymer Chemistry (2005)
- Fellow, World Technology Network (2003)
- Materials Research Society Medal Award (2000)
- Humboldt Award for Senior U.S. Scientists (1997)
- Joliot Curie Professorship, Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles (1997)
- U.S. Department of Energy Prize for Outstanding Scientific Accomplishment in Materials Chemistry (1991)
- Xerox Faculty Award for Excellence in Engineering Research (1985)
- 3M Young Faculty Award (1981)
- 3M Young Faculty Award (1981)
- 3M Young Faculty Award (1981)
Significant Professional Service
- Member, Executive Advisory Board, Giant (2020)
- Member, External Executive Committee (EEC) of CUNY Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC) Nanoscience Initiative, New York, NY (2016)
- Member, Advisory Board, Indian Association of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (IANN), India (2016)
- Organizer and Co-Chair of the Inter-Agency Materials Genome Initiative Soft Matter Summit, Washington DC (2013)
- Member, RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science Advisory Council, Japan (2013)
- Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Xeltis Corporation, Zurich, Switzerland (2013)
- Co-Chair, Gordon Research Conference on Self-Assembly & Supramolecular Chemistry in Les Diablerets, Switzerland (2013)
- Honorary Membership, Israel Chemical Society (2009)
- Member, World Premier International Program Advisory Committee to Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan (2008)
- International Advisory Group, Swedish Government Program on Biomaterials, Gothenburg University (2008)
- Member, Scientific Advisory Board, University of Vienna (2006)
- Merck-Karl Pfister Visiting Professorship, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2004)
- Member, Scientific Advisory Board, National University of Singapore (2003)
- Member, Baxter Scientific Advisory Board (2001)
- Member, Solid State Sciences Committee, National Academy of Sciences (2001)
- Member, Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee, Department of Energy (1999)
- Elected member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1998)
- Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science (1999)
- Member, Materials Panel, Air Force Scientific Advisory Board (1995)
- Exclusive consultant to 3M Company (1987)
Selected Publications
- Lewis, Jacob A.; Nemke, Brett; Lu, Yan; Sather, Nicholas A.; McClendon, Mark T.; Mullen, Michael; Yuan, Shelby C.; Ravuri, Sudheer K.; Bleedorn, Jason A.; Philippon, Marc J.; Huard, Johnny; Markel, Mark D.; Stupp, Samuel I., A bioactive supramolecular and covalent polymer scaffold for cartilage repair in a sheep model, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2024).
- Emmanuele, Ruggero; Sai, Hiroaki; Chen, Jia Shiang; Morrow, Darien J.; Đorđević, Luka; Gosztola, David J.; Hla, Saw Wai; Stupp, Samuel I.; Ma, Xuedan, Lattice Symmetry-Guided Charge Transport in 2D Supramolecular Polymers Promotes Triplet Formation, Advanced Science (2024).
- Clemons, Tristan D.; Egner, Simon A.; Grzybek, Joseph; Roan, Joshua J.; Sai, Hiroaki; Yang, Yang; Syrgiannis, Zois; Sun, Hao; Palmer, Liam C.; Gianneschi, Nathan C.; Stupp, Samuel I., Hybrid Bonding Bottlebrush Polymers Grafted from a Supramolecular Polymer Backbone, Journal of the American Chemical Society (2024).
- Sangji, M. Hussain; Lee, Sieun Ruth; Sai, Hiroaki; Weigand, Steven; Palmer, Liam C.; Stupp, Samuel I., Self-Sorting vs Coassembly in Peptide Amphiphile Supramolecular Nanostructures, ACS nano (2024).
- Xing, Huihua; Wigham, Caleb; Lee, Sieun Ruth; Pereira, Aramis J.; de Campos, Luana J.; Picco, Agustín S.; Huck-Iriart, Cristián; Escudero, Carlos; Perez-Chirinos, Laura; Gajaweera, Sandun; Comer, Jeffrey; Sasselli, Ivan R.; Stupp, Samuel I.; Zha, R. Helen; Conda-Sheridan, Martin, Enhanced Hydrogen Bonding by Urea Functionalization Tunes the Stability and Biological Properties of Peptide Amphiphiles, Biomacromolecules (2024).
- Stupp, Samuel I.; Palmer, Liam C., New frontiers in supramolecular design of materials, MRS Bulletin (2024).
- Lee, Slgirim; Carrow, James K.; Fraser, Lewis A.; Yan, Jianglong; Jeyamogan, Shareni; Sambandam, Yuvaraj; Clemons, Tristan D.; Kolberg-Edelbrock, Alexandra N.; He, Jie; Mathew, James; Zhang, Zheng Jenny; Leventhal, Joseph P.; Gallon, Lorenzo; Palmer, Liam C; Stupp, Samuel I., Single-cell coating with biomimetic extracellular nanofiber matrices, Acta Biomaterialia (2024).
- Chen, Aspen X.Y.; Kesharwani, Tanay; Wu, Yong; Stern, Charlotte L.; Đorđević, Luka; Wu, Huang; Wang, Yu; Song, Bo; Feng, Liang; Zhang, Long; Zhao, Xingang; Jiao, Yang; Li, Xuesong; Han, Han; Tang, Chun; Zhang, Ruihua; Chen, Hongliang; Cai, Kang; Stupp, Samuel I.; Chen, Haoyuan; Shen, Dengke; Stoddart, J. Fraser, Site-selective C–H functionalization in a cyclodextrin metal-organic framework, Chem (2024).