Faculty DirectoryAjit Tamhane

Professor Emeritus of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences
2145 Sheridan RoadTech C150
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
Email Ajit Tamhane
Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences
Master of Science in Machine Learning and Data Science Program
PhD, MS Statistics and O.R., Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
BTech (First Class Honors) Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India
Ajit Tamhane is Professor of Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences (IEMS) with a courtesy appointment in Statistics at Northwestern University. Previously, he was the Chairman of the IEMS Department (2001-2008) and the Senior Associate Dean of the McCormick School of Engineering (2008-2018).
He received his BTech degree in Mechanical Engineering from IIT, Bombay, and MS and PhD degrees from Cornell University.
Professor Tamhane’s research interests are in the areas of multiple testing problems in clinical trials and design of experiments. He has published over 100 papers in top refereed journals in these and other areas. He is the author of three books: Multiple Comparison Procedures with Yosef Hochberg (Wiley, 1987), Statistics and Data Analysis: From Elementary to Intermediate with Dorothy Dunlop (Prentice Hall, 2000) and Statistical Analysis of Designed Experiments (Wiley, 2009), with a fourth book on the way: Predictive Analytics I: Parametric Models for Regression and Classification, to be published by Wiley in 2019. He is the co-editor of two volumes of collected papers: Design of Experiments: Ranking and Selection with Thomas Santner (Marcel-Dekker, 1984) and Multiple Testing Problems in Pharmaceutical Statistics with Alex Dmitrienko and Frank Bretz (Taylor & Francis, 2009).
He is an elected fellow of the American Statistical Association (1991), the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (2010), the American Association for Advancement of Science (2013) and an elected member of the International Statistical Institute (2015). He received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from IIT, Bombay in 2017.
Research Interests
My research is focused on statistical multiple testing procedures to address the problems of multiplicity that arise in clinical trials and other medical studies. I am also interested in design of experiments and statistical inference problems.
Selected Publications
- Tamhane, Ajit C.; Xi, Dong; Gou, Jiangtao, Group sequential Holm and Hochberg procedures, Statistics in Medicine (2021).
- Tamhane, Ajit C.; Gou, Jiangtao; Dmitrienko, Alex, Some Drawbacks of the Simes Test in the Group Sequential Setting, Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 12(3):390-393 (2020).
- Gou, Jiangtao; Tamhane, Ajit C, A flexible choice of critical constants for the improved hybrid Hochberg-Hommel procedure, Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics 80B:85-97 (2018).
- Gou, Jiangtao; Tamhane, Ajit C, Hochberg procedure under negative dependence, Statistica Sinica 28(1):339-362 (2018).
- Tamhane, Ajit C., Editorial for the special topic on multiple comparison procedures, Biometrical Journal 59(4):702 (2017).
- Tamhane, Ajit C; Gou, Jiangtao, Advances in p-Value Based Multiple Test Procedures, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 28(1):10-27 (2017).
- Gou, Jiangtao; Tamhane, Ajit C., Estimation of a parametric function associated with the lognormal distribution, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 46(16):8134-8154 (2017).
- Tamhane, Ajit C.; Gou, Jiangtao; Jennison, Christopher; Mehta, Cyrus R.; Curto, Teresa, A gatekeeping procedure to test a primary and a secondary endpoint in a group sequential design with multiple interim looks, Biometrics 74(1):40-48 (2017).