Faculty DirectoryTai Tai Wu

Professor Emeritus of Biomedical Engineering
Professor Emeritus of Molecular and Cellular Biology
2145 Sheridan RoadTech E348
Evanston, IL 60208-3107
847-491-7849Email Tai Tai Wu
Ph.D. Engineering, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
S.M. Applied Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana, Champaign, IL
M.B., B.S., University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Research Interests
Structural and functional relations of proteins and DNA, especially those pertaining to immuno-globulins and related proteins
Selected Publications
- Wu TT, Kabat EA (2008) "Pillars article", J Immunol, 180, 7059-7096.
- Wu TT, Johnson G (2004) "HIV vaccine candidates", Drugs Today, 40, 945-955.
- Wu TT (2001) ANALYTICAL MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Wu R, Wu TT (1996) "A novel circular intact dsDNA supercoil", Bull Math Biol, 58, 1171-1186.
- Wu AF, Wood C, Wu TT (1989) "Possibility of HIV gp41 and thymosin beta-4 sharing the same genetic epitope", AIDS, 3, 319-320.
- Liu Z, Wu TT (1986) "Local gene inversion after rearrangement of a single D-minigene with two different JH-minigenes", Fed Proc, 45, 1779.
- Wu AF, Wu TT (1980) "Variations in some enzyme and co-enzyme concentrations in normal human erythrocytes fractionated by velocity sedimentation", Prep Biochem, 10, 347-358.
- Johnson ME, Wu TT (1976) "Possible three-dimensional models for the polypeptide backbone structure of alamethicin", J Theoret Biol, 60, 183-195.
- Wu TT, Kabat EA (1970) "An analysis of the sequences of the variable regions of Bence Jones prioteins and myeloma light chains and their implications for antibody complementarity", J Exp Med, 132, 211-250.
- Wu TT (1966) "A model for the three point analysis of random general transduction", Genetics, 54, 405-410.
- Wu TT (1961) "A note on the stability condition of certain wave propagation problems", Comm Pure Appl Math, 14, 745-747.
- Wu TT (1954) "Tetanus of cardiac muscle in the frog", Elixir, 54, 64-65.