Faculty DirectoryYingqian (Chan) Xiong

2145 Sheridan RoadTech A254
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
847-491-8789Email Yingqian (Chan) Xiong
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Professional Experience:
Senior Geologist/Mineralogist, Ellington and Associates/ALS Oil & Gas/Ellington Geological Services 2011-2020
- Geochemistry evaluation for main US onshore/offshore plays. Provided critical geological and mineralogical input for drilling/reservoir characterization.
- Instruments extensively operated: XRD, SEM, FT-IR, XRF, Optical Microscopy
- Led and supervised vast amount of unconventional core analysis work including sedimentary texture analysis (SEM, UV-Visible, Fluorescence), clay content study (XRD), organic analysis (TOC, ROCK-EVA, GC, GC-MS) and others.
Research/Teaching assistant, University of Houston, USA 2005-2011
- Tectonic evolution of Ophiolites, western Himalaya
- Geologic mapping of Ophiolites, western Himalaya
- Instruments extensively operated: ICP, ICP-MS, UV-Visible, Field Sensors
Junior/Senior geologist, First Institute of Oceanography, China 2001-2005
- Piston core 9603 and core EA01 analysis
- Soil sampling for seashore evolution along Shandong peninsula
- Seafloor mapping of Jiaozhou Bay and two blocks of East China Sea
- Shallow seismic profile interpretation of East China Sea
- Instruments extensively operated: ICP, ICP-MS
Selected Publications
- Liu, Y. Xiong, T. Vodo, A. Smith, M.A. Lorente, 2019, “Advanced quantitative stratigraphic data integration of conventional and unconventional plays”, American association of petroleum geologists
- Kariminia, B. Lee, Y. Xiong, N. Engelhardt-Moore, 2018, “Preliminary report of Radiolarians in surface samples of Gulf of Mexico”, GCAGS and GCSSEPM
- Xiong, S.D. Khan, K. Mahmood, 2010, “Lithologic mapping of Bela Ophiolite”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1080/01431161.2010.489069
- Khan, S. D., K. Mahmood, M. I. Sultan, A. S. Khan, Xiong, and Z. Sagintayev, 2009, Trace element geochemistry of groundwater from Quetta Valley, western Pakistan Belt: Journal of Environmental Earth Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s12665-009-0197-z.
- Yu, H., Z. Liu, S. Berné, G. R. Jia, Xiong, P. Liu, D. R. Dickens, et al., 2009, Variations in temperature and salinity of Kuroshio Current above the middle Okinawa Trough during the past 37 kyr: Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology, 28, 154-164.
- Ge, S., Y. Wu, Xiong, Y. Han & B. Tang, 2008, Magnetostratigraphy of Borehole EY02-1 in the northern outer continental shelf of the East China Sea: Acta Sedimentologica Sinica. 26, 2, 51-61.
- Yang, Y., Liu, Z., Shen, C., Li, T., Xu, Q., Pan, J., Cheng, Z., Xiong, Y. & Matsuzaki, H., 2007, Be ISOTOPES in Surface Sediments from the Southern Yellow Sea, the East China Sea Continental Shelf and in a Sediment Core from the northern Okinawa Trough: Quaternary Sciences. 4, 529-538.
- Yu, H., Xiong, Z. Liu, S. Berné, C. Huang, G. Jia, 2007, Evidence for the 8,200 a B.P. cooling event in the middle Okinawa Trough: Geo-marine Letters, 28,131-136.
- Ge, S., X. Shi, Y. Wu, T. Lee, Xiong, & Y. Saito, 2007, Rock magnetic property of gravity core CSH1 from the northern Okinawa Trough and the effect of early diagenesis: Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 26, 5, 54-65.
- Yu, H., Liu, Z. X., Xiong, Y., Li, S-L. & Xiang, R., 2006, Stratigraphy of Core EA05 from Southern East China Sea Continental Shelf Since the Last Glacial Maximum and Its Paleo-Environment Implication: Periodical of Ocean University of China. p. 545-550.
- Xiong, Y., Z. Liu, D. Du, et al., 2006, Variation and its implication of major and trace elements of EA01 from the continental shelf of the East China Sea: Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 3, 356-364.
- Yu, H., Z. Liu, Xiong, S. Li, R. Xiang, 2006, Sedimentary environment evolution of southern East China Sea continental shelf since the Last Glacial Maximum (in Chinese with English abstract): Periodical of Ocean University of China 4, 545-551.
- Xiong, Y., D. Du, L, Jiang, G. Yang, H. Lu, S. Yan, 2006, Conversion of geodetic coordinates to UTM rectangular coordinates in processing the multi-beam bathymetric data (in Chinese with English abstract): Advances in Marine Science, 10.3969/j.issn.1671-6647.2006.02.014.
- Yu, H., Z. Liu, Xiong, et al., 2005, Sedimentary facies and material source of Core DGKS9617 in the East China Sea: Key Engineering Materials, vols. 277-279, pp. 410-417.
- Xiong, Y., Z. Liu, T. Li, et al. 2005, The sedimentation rates in the Okinawa Trough during the late Quaternary: Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 24, 4, 146-154.
- Liu, Z., H. Yu, Xiong, et al. 2005, A comparative study on tidal sand ridges in the East China Sea and Celtic Sea (in Chinese with English abstract): Advances in Marine Science, 23, 1, 35-42.
- Yu, H., W. Li, Z. Liu, Xiong, B. Jin, 2005, Progress in late Pleistocene high-resolution paleoceanographic study of the Okinawa Trough (in Chinese with English abstract): Marine Sciences 29, 54-58.
- Yu, H., Liu, Z. X., Xiong, Y., Li, W. R. & Wang, K. S., 2004, Provenance Study of Core DGKS9617 in the East China Sea: Acta Sedimentologica Sinica. 22, 4, 651-657.
- Xiong, Y., Z. Liu, 2004, Variations in sediment provenance and its implications of Core DGKS9603 since the late Quaternary (in Chinese with English abstract): Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 26, 2, 61-71.
- Xiong, Y., Z. Yang, Z. Liu, 2003, A review of source study of the Changjiang and Yellow River sediments (in Chinese with English abstract): Advances in Marine Science, 21, 3, 355-362
- Du, D., Shi, X., Meng, X., Cheng, Z., Chen, Z. & Xiong, Y., 2002, Geochemical Granularity Effect of Sediment in the Yellow Sea: Advances in Marine Science. 21, 1, 78-82.