Fluid Dynamics


Red blood cell aggregation

Simulation of stars being born

Leaf-inspired surface prevents frost formation

Understanding neural control of movement

Red blood cell aggregation

Simulation of stars being born

Fluid Dynamics at Northwestern

Impacting research from cells to galaxies

Fluid dynamics is the study of flowing materials which includes liquids and gases. Fluid flow arises in a variety of settings ranging from astrophysics to atmosphere to granular flows to living organisms big and small. Some of the numerous application areas include materials processing, health and medicine, biotechnology, climate and environment, and sports, among others. Fluid dynamics finds a home in many departments at Northwestern, spanning engineering (biomedical, chemical and biological, civil and environmental, material science, mechanical), applied mathematics, and physics and astronomy. Consequently, there is a wide range of research and curricular options available.

Facts and Figures

Setting ourselves apart


departments at Northwestern represented

Mechanical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Materials Science, Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical and Biological Engineering

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Internationally recognized faculty

Including APS Fluid Dynamic Fellows and members of National Academies

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Interdisciplinary connections

Examples include: living organisms, computational methods, geophysics, riverbed flows, water recovery, biofluid dynamics, organ physiology, astrophysics, additive manufacturing, granular flows, interfacial flows, sports mechanics, and micro, nano, and molecular scale flows, and more

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Premier fluid dynamics lecture

The annual Steve Davis Lecture hosted by the Department of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics

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