Course Listings

Courses with an asterisk are open to students outside of the MLDS program.

CourseCourse TitleFall 2024Winter 2025Spring 2025
MLDS 400Everything Starts with Data
Raman Khurana

MLDS 401Machine Learning I
Edward Malthouse

MLDS 413Introduction to Databases & Information Retrieval
Nikos Hardavellas

MLDS 414Text Analytics
Yuri Balasanov

Evan Boyd
MLDS 420Machine Learning II

Daniel Apley

MLDS 421Data Mining

Ashish Pujari

MLDS 422Python & Other Data Science Programming
Alice Zhao

MLDS 423Cloud Engineering for Data Science

Ashish Pujari
MLDS 424Generative AI

Diego Klabjan

MLDS 431Analytics for Big Data

Diego Klabjan
MLDS 432Deep Learning

Ashish Pujari

MLDS 440*Optimization and Heuristics
Ehsan Kodabandeh and Michael Watson

Ehsan Kodabandeh and Michael Watson
MLDS 490-1Interpretable Machine Learning for Finance

William Chiu
MLDS 490-2Marketing Models

Ed Malthouse
MLDS 490-23*Healthcare Analytics
Sanjay Mehrotra

MLDS 490-24*Advanced Algorithms
Diego Klabjan

MLDS 490-27*Social Network Analytics
Noshir Contractor

MLDS 491-493Industry Practicum
Yuri Balasanov

Yuri Balasanov

Yuri Balasanov
MLDS 499Capstone Design Project
Yuri Balasanov