Student Resources

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Undergraduate Resources

Undergraduate Handbook

Download the chemical engineering major handbook

Student Organizations

The benefits and services provided by Northwestern University’s student groups are available to all students without regard to any category protected by the law. The University believes different perspectives, experiences and backgrounds are critical to a dynamic and vibrant University community, and as such all students are welcome and encouraged to join each group. 

American Institute for Chemical Engineers

Northwestern University's McCormick School of Engineering hosts an undergraduate student chapter with the American Institute for Chemical Engineers. Joining the chapter offers a great way to meet classmates and learn about career and graduate school opportunities in chemical engineering.

Learn more about the student chapter

Engineers for a Sustainable World

Engineers for a Sustainable World mobilizes engineers through education, training, and practical action, building collaborative partnerships to meet the needs of current and future generations.

Learn more about Engineers for a Sustainable World


Are you interested in alternative energy sources and solar powered cars? NUsolar is an undergraduate program in the McCormick School of Engineering that participates in solar car design competitions.

Learn more about NUsolar

Society of Women Engineers

The Society of Women Engineers mission, which was adopted in 1986, is to stimulate women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders and to expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life. This group is open to all enrolled Northwestern students.

Learn more about the Society of Women Engineers

External Organizations and Professional Societies


The McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science assigns a faculty adviser to each incoming freshman. This adviser may or may not be a faculty member of the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering.

At the end of freshman year, all students are assigned an adviser in their department. Students needing an adviser or wishing to switch advisors should email Heather Bacon, assistant director of advising and student development.

Learn more about advising at Northwestern Engineering

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Graduate Resources

Graduate Handbooks

Master of science in chemical and biological engineering handbook

PhD in chemical and biological engineering handbook

Teaching Assistant Handbook


Please log onto GSTS to fill out necessary forms (Prospectus, Final Exam, AFD, etc.) and submit them online. After you submit the forms online, and after you have completed the necessary milestone (where applicable), your paperwork will be approved first by the department and then by the Graduate School online.

Log into gsts

Exit Form

MS and PhD students who are leaving the department should fill out a exit form before leaving.


PhD Funding

The Graduate School and McCormick provide incoming PhD students with full funding, including paid tuition, paid health insurance, and a monthly stipend for living expenses.

Learn more about PhD funding

Master's Program Financial Aid

Master’s students are provided with a variety of federal and private loan options so they can fund their educations regardless of financial circumstances.

Learn more about master's funding

Grants and Fellowships

The Graduate School provides most doctoral degree-seeking students with the opportunity to receive fellowships and scholarships. Made possible by general appropriations, endowments and other outside sources, fellowships typically provide students with a monthly stipend and a scholarship to pay for tuition costs. Most incoming doctoral students receive some form of fellowship and scholarship for the first year of study.

Learn more about fellowships and grants

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