PROJ_MGT 465: Special Topics: Due Diligence Considerations for A/E/C Firms

Quarter Offered


To succeed and move up to the C-suite in any engineering business, it is critical for managers in all areas of the company to understand the firm’s strategic plan and areas of potential risk beyond the fundamental challenges of preparing project drawings, bid estimates, and CPM schedules. This course will provide a basic understanding of family business succession planning, exposure from joint venture and partnering relationships, insurance coverages and surety bond issues, cyber security risks, and how to manage a corporate crisis.

In addition to the description of this course, special topics for the Spring 2020 quarter will include critical risks and due diligence concerns related to the coronavirus pandemic crisis, business interruption insurance property policy coverages, and privacy risks arising from monitoring remote and global construction and engineering workforces.  Also discussed will be lessons learned from the current coronavirus response plans and corporate readiness of U.S. construction and engineering companies.

Course Description