Solving Big Problems with Big Data
Luís Amaral finds patterns among seemingly unrelated issues.

Training Ecosystem Taps the Power of Community
Haoqi Zhang trains researchers within a supportive community.

Secrets Obscured for Centuries Come to Light
Fused imaging techniques reveal hidden text in a medieval bookbinding.

Summer Research: Worth the Rewards
Undergraduate researchers make new discoveries in science and about themselves.

Solving Global Problems with Engineering
Engineers Without Borders works with community members in Kenya and Guatemala.

Making Cities More Accessible with Human-Centered Design
Design for America students create solutions for diverse accessibility needs.

Startups Enjoying Sustainable Growth
Alumni entrepreneurs share their latest successes and future plans.

Aspiring Engineers Explore Sustainability in Germany
Undergraduate students learned about sustainability and ways to apply their future engineering degrees.

Bright, Young, and Making an Impact
Beth Carter (’08) earns a spot on the American Institute of Chemical Engineers’ inaugural "35 Under 35" list.

Intellectual Curiosity and the Well-Trained Mind
Rhonda S. Ferguson ('91) discusses how the engineering approach to problem-solving influenced her career.

Head in the Clouds
Narinder Singh ('95) credits Northwestern's focus on "building" for the success of his company.

Learning to Succeed
John Stroup ('88) applies lessons learned at Northwestern to meet wide-ranging career challenges.

Tech as Art
Designed and manufactured in Professor John Rogers's lab, the soft, flexible, wearable device has been featured in the Modern Museum of Art (MoMa) in New York.