Early Detection to Beat the Odds
New screening technologies developed by McCormick's Vadim Backman hold promise for dramatic changes in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer

Blurring The Boundaries of Art and Engineering
Two McCormick-based courses facilitate collaboration among artists and engineers

Truly Secure? Not Necessarily So.
Well before recent, high profile internet security breaches came to light, McCormick researchers were developing new tools to pinpoint vulnerabilities and stomp out threats

Developing Medical Devices for the Developing World
McCormick students study and work to improve healthcare in Cape Town

Stephen Carr Q&A
Exiting senior associate dean of undergraduate engineering reflects on whole-brain engineering and his tenure as dean

M.G. Venkatesh Mannar
M.G Venkatesh Mannar (MS '72) built a life-long career on delivering micronutrients to the developing world

He Just Does It
How Brian Flucht helps drive corporate and business development at Nike

Closing the Skills Gap, Furthering Careers
Jonathan Friedman (MS '14) connects job seekers with free online education through entrepreneurship and collaboration

Anoop Jain: A Life's Work Improving Lives
Anoop Jain ('09) takes personal responsibility for innovative solutions to sanitation problems in India

Life at the Intersection of Engineering and Law
After helping engineer a highly successful medical industry spinoff, Joan Stafslien ('87) readies for her next challenge