Moving Parts
Partnering with the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago aims to improve patients' lives

Computer Science for Everyone. If You Can Find a Seat.
The more technology becomes embedded in daily life, the greater the demand for computer science courses

Cuba's Internet Issues
Research shows that misconfigurations slow internet traffic traveling to the island

Bottling the Sun
Sossina Haile's research brings the world closer to liquid energy fueled by the sun

Building on a Whole-Brain Foundation
At Walsh Construction, Lauren Keeley ('10) tackles some of the country's biggest construction projects

Thriving in the VC World
In venture capital for the last three decades, Bret Maxwell ('81) leans often on the analytical skills he sharpened at Northwestern

Leading By Design
Hugh Ekberg (MMM'94) has a track record of transforming businesses through engineering and design thinking

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
Michael Cruz ('02) helps fuel the ascent of Trunk Club with a mixture of technological expertise, entrepreneurial drive, and customer focus

When Plan B Becomes Plan A
Using his Northwestern Engineering education to help others, Milton Morris ('92, Kellogg '04) scores big in the medial device field

The Living City
How to make cities more sustainable, surviving and thriving in tune with nature

In the Blink of an Eye
Scientists use fruit fly genetics to understand how things could go wrong in cancer