Leveraging the Whole-Brain Network
Research centers empower interdisciplinary collaboration to confront global challenges.

Practical Solutions for a Healthier World
Northwestern industrial engineers work to make healthcare delivery more efficient, more reliable, and safer.

Confronting Our Planet’s Polymer Problem
Northwestern researchers seek solutions to the plastics pollution dilemma with new ideas on polymer design and upcycling.

Lab Tour: Querrey Simpson Institute for Bioelectronics
With broad applications across medicine, rehabilitation, and sports, QSIB supports the entire ecosystem of translational science all under one roof.

Breaking the Mold
Jian Cao is shaping the future of manufacturing with her pioneering efforts in mechanical engineering.

Advancing Medicine with Nanocarriers
With the mindset and discipline of an engineer, Professor Evan Scott seeks to improve drug therapy efficiency and effectiveness for a wide range of diseases.

Making AI Safety a Priority
A collaboration between Northwestern Engineering and Underwriters Laboratories has spawned a new research hub that will focus on integrating safety into AI design.

Agility and Resilience in the Face of Challenge
Andres Barry credits his Northwestern experience for his ability to navigate complexity and uncertainty in the travel industry.

Power Player
Invenergy’s Maggie Pakula is building a better future through sustainable energy solutions.

Using Technology to Strategic Advantage
At Accenture, Annette Rippert helps leading companies reimagine business through the power of technology and human ingenuity.

The Perfect Springboard
Melissa & Doug CEO Fernando Mercé applied his industrial engineering background to achieve C-level success in the business world.

Big Idea
“Dancing molecules” successfully repair severe spinal cord injuries.