Faculty & Cluster Fellows / Cluster Fellows2011-2012 Fellows
The following is a list of our 2011-2012 cluster fellow and includes their major, principle adviser and co-adviser, and research topic.
Bredan Abberton, TAM
Research topic: Multiresolution continuum theory for design of fracture-resistant polymer composites
Huanyu Cheng, ME
Research topic: Modeling and design of grapheme-based stretchable electronics
Dana Frankel, MSE
Research topic: SMA design for fatigue resistance
Zhen Jiang, ME
Research topic: Validation and quantification of model uncertainty
Ricardo Komai, MSE
Research topic: Biocompatibility in the concurrent material/device design
John Moore, ME
Research topic: Multiresolution modeling and concurrent design of SMA and medical stent frames
Eric Robinson, ME
Research topic: Nanodiamonds and design of therapeutic surgical film device
Luis Ruiz, TAM
Research topic: Predictive multi-scale simulation-based design of armor materials
T. Wylie Stroberg, TAM
Research topic: Analytical and computational modeling of nanodiamond self-assembly
Hongyi Xu, ME
Research topic: Concurrent Design of Hierarchical Materials and Structures under Uncertainty
Lifeng Zhao, TAM
Research topic: Multiscale computational methods to predict material fracture