Going Behind the Scenes at Abbvie

Rohan Shukla shares the biggest lessons he learned from his visit to the biopharmaceutical company with his MBP classmates.

MBP students at biopharmaceutical company Abbvie
MBP students at biopharmaceutical company Abbvie

Rohan Shukla (MBP '25) knew of biopharmaceutical company Abbvie, but he wanted to learn more about working at the company. That's why he was thrilled to find out he and his classmates in Northwestern Engineering's Master of Biotechnology Program (MBP) would go behind the scenes at the company focused on developing therapies and innovations that improve lives. 

Shukla and nearly two dozen of his classmates toured the company's headquarters in North Chicago, Illinois, and connected with Abbvie employees, including several MBP alumni.

"Most of the classes I've taken revolved around the essential knowledge needed to succeed within a STEM career," Shukla said. "With the Abbvie opportunity, I was particularly interested in seeing how what I learned in the classroom translated to a real-life application within the biotech industry."

The Abbvie trip started with a discussion from representatives of different functional areas in the organization about the work they do, as well as internships and development programs they offer. The students were then split in groups to tour different parts of the facility.

A networking session with Abbvie employees followed the tours.

Shukla was struck by how welcoming and transparent the hosts were, particularly given the size of the company.

"Everyone who we interacted with during our visit was receptive to any questions that we asked and provided useful information about the company," he said. "An honest dialogue was created between students and Abbvie employees, and we gained valuable insight into the core aspects of the company culture."

He was also impressed by the company's emphasis on employee growth. Many of the people Shukla spoke with worked at Abbvie for more than 10 years, yet remained focused on expanding their knowledge base and growing professionally.

"Even if you work at the same place for a long time, there is always room to continue growing and advancing your career," he said. "There are often situations that arise where employees must adjust their daily responsibilities to accommodate an organizational change. During this time, we learned that it's important to embrace the change and use it to develop a skill set that may not have previously been on your radar." 

Shukla knows the support for employee growth he saw at Abbvie is not present at all companies. He talked about that reality during the networking session and understands the onus will be on him to pursue personal and professional growth — no matter where he works.

"The visit taught me that the best way to improve yourself is to take any challenge head-on, even if it isn’t the most comfortable thing," he said. "Rather than give up in the face of adversity, I will use it as a way to learn more and strengthen my approach toward challenges that come up in a professional environment." 

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