Academics / Courses / DescriptionsCIV_ENV 449: Environmental Particles and Surface Chemistry
/ Courses
/ Descriptions
Course Description and Objectives:
Natural particles such as mineral precipitates, mineral oxides, clay minerals, and organo-mineral composites facilitate the cycling of important elements in the environment, facilitate nutrient availability for agricultural productivity, mitigate the adverse effects of climatic conditions in lakes and oceans, and mediate transport and degradation of contaminants in environmental matrices. This course covers the surface chemistry of these particles, including fundamental concepts and applications of chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, and molecular spectroscopy in particle characterization.
Learning Goals:
- To evaluate the role of particles in environmental processes
- To understand interactions of mineral particles in natural soils and waters
- To learn how to determine chemical kinetics and equilibrium of particles
- To become familiar with key techniques in chemical characterization
- To connect particle characteristics to targeted engineered processes
Course Grading:
Case Study 1: 25%
Case Study 2: 25%
6 Quizzes: 42%
Participation: 8%