Affiliated Centers & Institutes

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is connected to six different research centers and institutes at Northwestern University. Our affiliations with these research hubs support the interdisciplinary research efforts led by our faculty members, often working in close collaboration with students.


Center for Quality Engineering and Failure Prevention

For more than two decades this center has been at the forefront of research relevant to structural integrity and durability assessment. The center’s labs house several ultrasonic inspection systems, acoustic microscopes, laser ultrasonic systems, and fiber-optic systems.

Center for Surface Engineering and Tribology

The broad mission of this center is to advance new understanding and methods to provide new tools for developing superior products and processes in a number of important areas, including heavy machinery, metal processing, and aerospace.

Center for Sustainable Engineering of Geological and Infrastructure Materials

This center’s mission is to establish partnerships with industry, federal agencies, and national laboratories to develop the scientific knowledge and technological know-how for the sustainable engineering of geological and infrastructure materials.

Institute for Sustainability and Energy

The Institute for Sustainability and Energy’s mission is to advance global energy and sustainability solutions through transformational research, experiential education, and public engagement.

Transportation Center

Established in 1954 by industry representatives, the Northwestern University Transportation Center was the first university transportation center in the U.S. Since then, the center has been recognized as a leading interdisciplinary education and research institution.