Academics / Courses / DescriptionsCOMP_ENG 395, 495: Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
This course is not currently offered.
Mobile and ubiquitous computing represents the third generation of computing with multiple interconnected systems embedded seamlessly into their environment and humans. These computing systems operate in the background, enabling interactions that may go unnoticed by users while enhancing everyday experiences. This course introduces students to the principles and technologies that underpin mobile and ubiquitous computing and wearables, including sensing, computation, and communication, which together enable seamless and continuous interaction. Students will gain hands-on experience by working on practical projects that address real-world challenges, leveraging mobile and ubiquitous computing to develop innovative solutions. In addition to building a strong technical foundation, the course will emphasize designing, deploying, and evaluating mobile and ubiquitous computing systems in real-world contexts.
PREREQUISITE: No prerequisite
Basic courses like CS 110, CE 203 would be helpful, but not needed.
Course permission will be given by emailing the professor a paragraph about why you want to take the course.
This course will help you creatively apply CS/CE knowledge learned in HCI, systems, networking, algorithms, and AI courses to real-world IoT or Wearable Computing applications, or vice versa, provide a reason to study your other CS/CE courses more deeply.
Develop a strong foundation in mobile and ubiquitous computing and their practical applications.
Evaluate the capabilities of various mobile and wearable computing components to make informed decisions about their suitability and technical constraints.
Leverage mobile and ubiquitous computing techniques to address real-world challenges.
Analyze and critically engage with the principles of the third generation of computing—Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing.
Apply mobile and ubiquitous computing methods in innovative, real-world scenarios.
• History of Ubiquitous Computing: Famous personalities and example technologies
• Sensors and sensor data analysis including applied machine learning
• Location and networking technologies: GPS, BLE, LoRa
• Wearable computing: Challenges and design processes
Context aware computing
IoT Low-power and energy harvesting technologies
Evaluation of mobile and ubiquitous computing systems
Privacy in mobile and ubiquitous computing
Real world applications: health, biodiversity monitoring, urban infrastructure etc.
Class participation (activities) 10%
Individual Assignment 10%
Group Labs/Activities 30%
Quizes 20%
Projects (Proposal, video presentation, report, demo) 30%
COURSE INSTRUCTOR: Prof. Nivedita Arora